stanford center on poverty and inequality

CPI News
Ending Poverty with Technology. Enroll Now!

Will robots, automation, and technology eliminate work and increase poverty? Or can technology instead be used to reduce – perhaps even end – poverty? Find out in a new winter-quarter class in which students work together to imagine and design interventions to reduce poverty.
Administrative Data Pilot Grant Competition

Did you miss our first webinar on our new administrative data pilot grants? No worries … we’re holding another one on January 18. Grant recipients will receive assistance with data linkage and program evaluation for projects relevant to economic opportunity.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at Cornell

The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University is recruiting a two-year postdoctoral research fellow to translate social policy research for local, state, and national policymakers and practitioners. Applications are due by January 15, 2017.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity at Columbia

The Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University is recruiting two postdoctoral scholars, one to analyze poverty at the national, state, and local levels, and another to examine the costs, benefits, and distributional consequences of alternative policy packages to halve child poverty. Applications are due by March 1, 2017.

America’s Poverty Course
Living in Poverty

Johns Hopkins University professor Kathryn Edin explores how poor people make ends meet in this five-minute video from our online course on poverty and inequality.

Talks and Events
Everyday Islam in an Inner-City Community

Drawing on her research on an inner-city mosque led by an African American, Pamela Prickett examines how Islam informs the struggles and hopes of believers.

Tuesday, January 17, Mendenhall 101, 12:30pm
Ideas that Matter

This two-day conference honors philosopher and former Stanford professor Joshua Cohen for his enduring contribution to social and political thought.

Friday January 20 - Saturday January 21, Arrillaga Alumni Center
Girls Coming to Tech

Iowa State University professor Amy Sue Bix analyzes how women gained entrance to the traditionally male field of engineering in American higher education.

Thursday, February 2, Paul Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex, Room 101x, 4:30pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Elfenworks Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation).

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