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Deriging This Weekend

The weather gods have not been kind to us, but we are going ahead with deriging as many boats as we can tomorrow.

Given that there has been some snow, which Dylan will be brushing off the hulls, it is unlikely we will be able to wrap the boats because of the likely frozen residual moisture. We don't want to entrap it to where it can freeze and thaw and thus cause potential damage to the hull's integrity. 

Moreover, given the cold temperature expected through Sunday, it is unlikely the boats will be free of their moisture to be able to wrap them Sunday. However, if by any chance there are boats that are free of ice/moisture then, we'll wrap as many as we can. Otherwise, we'll defer until next weekend. So we'll need at least 8 people next weekend for removing/replacing boats and wrap them or complete wrapping them

For those who can't assist tomorrow, you can help out next week. For those who can help tomorrow and next week, please let Dylan know.

If you can bring your own tools, we can derig much quicker. You'll need 10 mm and 13 mm wrenches/ratches for the quads and doubles and 7/16 for singles.

Finally, Ian will be bringing coffee and donuts and/or bagels to warm the cockles of your hearts.

Thanks for your assistance.

Winter Training Schedule

Juniors meet
Monday - Friday from 4 - 7:30 PM
    from 11 AM - Noon
    from   1 - 3 PM.

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