Sunday Inspiration. 
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Sometimes, it's good to look closer at the others, at their favourite stuff, at the things they do or admire. To learn new things, to be inspired a bit.

Here's my two-week Sunday Inspiration email where you may find the things I've found, been loving, watching, reading, listening or using recently. All sorts of weird stuff I think is worth mentioning or look closer at it.


Rogue One - I was really surprised by how good this movie is

Apps/tools/web services

Canva - I can't imagine my work without this tool. It's so easy to create nice looking design materials now


StartUp by Gimlet Media - StartUp is a podcast about what it’s really like to get a business off the ground. And it's really, really good! Especially the very first season of the podcast.

Well said

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." - Dr. Seuss

Something more to read
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Also please let me know your requests and suggestions on Twitter. What do you want more or less of? Let me know! Just send me a tweet and put #SundayInspiration in there.

Thanks for reading! And have an exceptional week.

I love this guy! And his ideas :)

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