January 17 – Spiritual Choices
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To be truly spiritual, to live life as a spiritual being, is to use your will appropriately. The freedom to think through any given action, to analyze outcomes, and choose which is for the greatest good for all those involved, that is to live spiritually. This is the gift that humanity has been given—the ability to consider the rest of humanity, and to make choices based on that.
If you just move through your life based on instinct and what feels good at the time, you are no different than an insect or a plant. What really differentiates you from those things is the power to analyze and make choices, to consider the options from a spiritual point of view.
Take the opportunity today to consider how your actions benefit or harm those around you. Start with something simple. Start with breakfast. What did you have for breakfast? How was that provided? Who benefited? Who was harmed? Do research if you need to in order to find the answers. Do these answers affect your choices going forward?
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