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Strata News & Information

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Happy New Year and welcome to the first 2017 edition of Strata News! Thank you to everyone who sent end of year wishes our way. We hope you enjoyed the break and recharged your batteries ready for a fantastic 2017.

We are straight into it with some of our latest Q&As:

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Latest Articles

NSW vacancies

NSW: Q&A Procedure for filling a strata executive committee vacancy

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: What is the procedure for filling a strata executive committee vacancy? Does the Executive Committee have the power to fill a vacancy on the committee?
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Hynes Banner
QLD invalid bylaws

The Five Most Common Invalid Strata Title By Laws QLD

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Five clear examples of invalid strata title bylaws - include reasons why they are invalid. If your scheme has any of these by-laws, then perhaps you should consider having them reviewed.
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bluetooth security

Bluetooth Smart Access Control Systems in Residential Buildings

Franck Bossi and Sidney Bossi, Prox Access
Why are Bluetooth Smart access control systems not recommended for residential building access? It is still too early to move to such technology without putting your building at risk.
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NSW Legal Services

NSW: The New Rules for Appointing Lawyers

J. S. Mueller & Co Lawyers
There are new rules an owners corporation must follow before appointing a lawyer or taking legal action (legal services), dependent on certain criteria.
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WA Car damage

WA: Q&A Car Damaged in Strata Car Park - Who is Liable?

Whitbread Insurance Brokers
Question: I am a tenant in a strata property. A roof leak in our strata car park has caused damage to my car. Who is responsible for the cost of the repair? Neither the strata council, real estate or lot owner wish to accept responsibility.
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NSW reforms p3

NSW New Strata Laws: Preparing For The Future – Part 3 Q&A PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property
What NSW strata lot owners need to know about the NSW strata law changes in a Q&A session covering minor repairs, model by-laws, smoking, pets, proxies, entitlements, whole building sales and more.
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SA Common property

SA: Q&A Common Property Access Affecting our Privacy

Tyson D'Sylva, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: The common property access area at the rear of our unit has people walking through it all of the time. This is affecting the privacy in our unit. How can we stop this?
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News of the Week

NSW crack down

VIC: Combustible cladding to be stripped off Lacrosse Docklands tower

Aisha Dow, The Age
The decision means the 470 owners of the Lacrosse apartments could be left with an $8.6 million cladding replacement bill, on top of $6.5 million already spent to fix damage from a fire that tore up the 21-storey building in November 2014.

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NSW previous minutes

NSW: Q&A Confirmation of the Previous Minutes from the AGM

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: I was always of the opinion that discussion and confirmation of the previous minutes was just a procedural thing and did not require a motion to be put.
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NSW Reforms

New Strata Laws Page
Strata laws in NSW have been modernised to suit the way we live, today and beyond. Getting renovations approved is now simpler and there are online options for meetings and voting. Your strata community will need to review its rules (called by-laws) and consider any updates, such as the decision to allow pets and on what terms. There are new model by-laws to help with this process.

Owners, Tenants and Industry Sections

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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Embracing Self-Service Expectations for HOA Management Heywood Community Management

Off-the-plan apartments face price falls as market supply exceeds demand

NSW: Can Real Estate Agents Who Sell Strata Developments Manage Strata Schemes? Your Investment Property

Apartment owner powerless after discovering tenant was illegally renting home on Airbnb Domain

Sydney is changing. The boom has not started Chris Bates

Pre-Shrunk: NCAT Proceedings Available When A Developer Sets Initial Levies Too Low Carroll & O'Dea Lawyers

QLD: Video of two people crashing onto pavement outside Gold Coast apartments takes social media by storm Gold Coast Bulletin

Animal Welfare League Frowns On Brisbane’s Lack Of Pet-Friendly Apartments The Urban Developer

VIC: Could three-bedroom apartments be an affordable alternative for families and slow urban sprawl? ABC News

Before and after: Office buildings set to become apartment towers The Age

Outdoor space more valuable the smaller an apartment in Melbourne Herald Sun

WA: Sustainable developments favoured in WA as apartment buyers go green Architecture & Design

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