Half price places in Pilates!
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Half Price places!
I still have spaces in some classes and to motivate you I am offering two half price places in:

Pilates Tuesdays 8.15pm
Barre Fitness Wednesdays 6pm
Barre Fitness is a fusion of some of the best moves from Ballet, Pilates and Yoga with a mini cardio workout in the middle - it's only 45 minutes so perfect if you're busy

How are you getting on with your New Year fitness resolutions?
I am writing this on 'Blue Monday', apparently the most depressing day in the UK - the weather is dark and not good, the celebrations of Christmas are over and most people are spent up.

But don't let these negatives in your environment affect your health and fitness.

You have to find ways to overcome and smash your goals.

The most important element in achieving any goal is to keep doing what is necessary to get there i.e. adherence.

It doesn't matter if you miss one because the kids are ill, you got stuck at work or your friend dropped out - you have to be versatile in the pursuit of your goals and fit it in later or the next day.

How serious are you really about your fitness?
I can share the benefits with you:
  • Better skin
  • Better sleep
  • Less pain and illness
  • More energy
  • Weight/fat loss
  • Better muscle tone
  • Better concentration
  • Look and feel younger
To name but a few!

I still have spaces in many classes and am offering 2 half price spaces in the following sessions:
Tuesday Pilates 8.15pm
Wednesday Barre Fitness 6pm

Call NOW to get your spot 07933 911522

Come and try a class this session and experience exercising in a cosy boutique studio where you will get personal instruction and will know for sure if you are doing the exercises correctly or not.

Follow my Blog here
 Call NOW for more information 07933 911522 or
Fitness - it's all in the Planning

It really is - fail to plan, plan to fail.

I have met so many people recently who just give excuse after excuse for not keeping fit and I'm not sure they really want to.

This just doesn't apply to fitness though. I hear it from people who keep saying year after year they want a change - a new job, to travel, to live abroad, to earn more money - but they have no plan in place!

If you keep doing the same things you will get the same results - you have to step away and look at your life objectively and take the plunge.
If you are risk averse you won't get anywhere - nobody got to the top of the mountain by taking the easy path.

You have to be prepared to work hard and feel out of your comfort zone.
And it's the same with exercise.

I'm very lucky that I was brought up in a keep fit family and know nothing else - but when my Dad started running 60 years ago he was told he was stupid, weird and would die early of a heart attack! He's now 85 and walks a mile every day with no joint or heart problems to speak of!
So he had to overcome this adversity from others to follow his gut and self-belief to do something he loved and was very good at.

You know yourself if there is something you really want, that is really important you will move heaven and earth to get it. Do you really want to be fit, look younger, live longer and without pain/illness?

This is not a rehearsal this is real life - your life - so please make time and invest in your health.
So plan how you are going to get fitter/slimmer over the next 3 months.
Write it down - it will have more impact on your commitment.
You only need to commit to 2 fitness sessions per week to make a huge difference.
Give me a call if you need my help 07933 911522
Member of the Month
This time it's Jennifer Dent who has been coming to Stirling Fitness for almost a year.
Why do you come to Stirling Fitness?
I discovered Stirling Fitness through a friend initially but after meeting Elaine, decided to sign up for pilates classes. I've found that the classes are a great way to keep fit and are also fun

. What do you like about your PT sessions?
I enjoy the variety of exercises and I find that my motivation increases and I've also come on well in terms of general fitness levels. Elaine is very supportive and has a great approach.

What do you like about your classes?
I like the variety of classes on offer. I've attended pilates but also circuits and bar dance. It's lovely to undertake exercise within a small group and get the chance to try new things.

What changes /improvements have you seen since starting?
I've seen significant changes in terms of my attitude towards exercise, now feeling more motivated, and also my general fitness levels have improved.

What is your favourite exercise?
I enjoy running and pilates.

Least favourite?
Jennifer doesn't have one! This is a first - obviously why you are here so much!

What are your fitness goals for 2017?
Become more focused and to continue to develop my strength and fitness.

Thanks Jen. I have loved meeting with you and helping you with your fitness.
Jennifer has a very young son and the last year has been about adapting to the huge changes that childbirth and being a new Mum brings and getting back on the treadmill of fitness.
Well done!

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