
Here's your invitation! (The Riverwood News and Notes - Jan 12, 2017)

I Invite You (To Read This) - hand on Bible

I Invite You (To Read This)

Hello hello, <<First Name>>!

What a week! We started it off with Icemageddon and we end it with the Inauguration of a new President. I encourage you to take a moment to pray for President Trump and his administration (no matter what your politics or thoughts are about Trump, his positions, his nominations, or his approach) because the Scriptures command us to pray for those in governmental leadership.

Several Invitations
We are in a series here in the News & Notes about The Riverwood Way. This week we come to the second item - "...Invites."

In today's email, I want to invite you to several things, but before I do, let me take a moment to talk about invitations themselves. Invitations are powerful. An invitation says to someone, "I like you! I enjoy your company." That's why we invite people over for dinner, or to a party, or to go out for coffee, or to go fishing with us.

This is why we want to have a culture of invitation at Riverwood. An invitation means we extend someone grace. It means we value them because God values them. And because we like them, we invite them into the Riverwood family.

Here is the last paragraph of "...Invites" as found in The Riverwood Way:

"Inviting people to follow Jesus can take different forms. We invite people to serve with us, to hang out with us, to be part of a small group with us, or even to partner with Riverwood. We are a community of invitation."

So let me practice what I am preaching...

I Invite You...
  • invite someone to this Sunday's "Grand Opening" at the Waverly Area Veteran's Post. It's going to be a GREAT Sunday singing together, praying together, seeing some families dedicate their kids to the Lord, and kicking off a new teaching series that will help us see Jesus through the entire Bible.
  • Membership Class on Saturday, Feb 4. This will be a great opportunity for you to hear about the mission, vision, and history of Riverwood and how you can partner with your church family to help the mission God has given us to continue to move forward. (More Below)
  • use the RightNow Media videos to help you grow spiritually or equip you to serve in an area of ministry. (More Below)
  • read the Bible everyday. There are reading plans on the Give & Grow Table that can guide you to read the entire Bible in one year. However, if that seems overwhelming and daunting, we will have a different reading plan available this Sunday that will track with our His Story series. It will enable you catch the overarching story of the Bible without reading every verse.
But lastly, I invite you to simply live out a culture of invitation. Invite people to your Growth Group, invite them over for dinner, invite them to watch the Super Bowl with you, invite them to a movie, or invite them to coffee. Simply invite people into the regular rhythms of your life. Doing so is one way to bless them and love them like Jesus would love them.

So this week, while our country panics about ice storms or about our new President, let's be the people that choose to invite others to find and follow Jesus.

In this with you,

P.S. We gave out paper copies of the 2016 Annual Report last Sunday. More will be available on the Give & Grow table, but if you want a digital copy, you can access that here.
It's finally here! Our "Grand Opening" @ the Waverly Area Veterans Post is THIS Sunday, Jan 22. We'll start at 10:00 am like normal - HOWEVER, if you are available from 7:30 - 8:30 am, we'd love to have you come help us do set-up to make sure we have everything ready to go before sound checks at 8:45. (If you have questions about set-up, email Joel.)

Also, our mass mailed invitations hit mailboxes last week. Be praying for God to draw the spiritually disconnected to be part of Riverwood!
RightNow Media
Do you desire to grow spiritually in 2017? Then sign-up for RightNow Media! To take advantage of this video-based resource, use the link in the email that RightNow Media sent you. (If you don't have the email, check your spam folder or email us.)  Please explore the 14,000+ Bible Studies, Kids videos, and more. Be sure to download their app to your phone or tablet, access their content on a streaming device, or pull it up on your laptop. Then let us know what you're learning!
Member-ship Class
Interested in knowing more about Riverwood and/or partnering up more formally with your church family to help us grow and move our mission forward? Then join us for Membership Class on Saturday, Feb 4! We'll meet from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Childcare and lunch will be provided to those who RSVP. To sign-up, email LeAnn.
Just for Fun
This video is completely uncalled for. It has nothing to do with invitation. It's completely out-of-season for those of use who just survived Icemageddon. And not all of our Riverwood family has babies or little ones. Yet, this video is hilarious. Enjoy!
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