Dear <<First Name>>,
I remember the first time I opened a Biomimicry 3.8 client report to discover what “biological intelligence” truly meant. I never imagined a single report could reveal such a sense of awe and surge of inspiration.
Since, I have been privileged to work behind the scenes with cutting edge companies, thought leaders, and brilliant minds that use biomimicry to tackle some of the most pressing challenges we face today.
Throughout it all, CEOs, innovation teams, and thought leaders have all expressed a need to demonstrate the value of biomimicry, and have more access to resources that take biomimicry beyond something that sounds (and is!) sexy, to a practice that can support growing demands for innovation, sustainability, and employee engagement.
We’ve been busy working to provide more access and new inspirations to fulfill those needs. As we settle into 2017, I hope you’ll explore below how you can use biomimicry to make a difference. And stay tuned for more news. You’ll be hearing from us throughout the year on many of our initiatives.