Examples of Interventions for Reducing Disparities Needed
The National Quality Forum (NQF) has convened a multi-stakeholder task force, with funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, to provide recommendations on how performance measurement can be used to eliminate disparities in health and health care.
This task force, the Disparities Standing Committee, will develop its recommendations by focusing on selected conditions that include cardiovascular disease. In January, the Committee issued the first of four reports, with the fourth and final report scheduled for release in September 2017.
The first report defines health care disparities and provides a conceptual framework for reducing disparities in five targeted conditions. The committee’s next step is to identify cross-cutting interventions that have been effective in reducing disparities. The committee will review interventions by condition, at the same time acknowledging that effective interventions could include those that can show clinical improvement, but don't necessarily reduce disparities.
The Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) has the opportunity to engage with the Committee by identifying and sharing interventions from the field that may be missed in the course of literature reviews. The ABC is therefore calling upon its members to share their stories about and experiences with successful state and local interventions. Drafting of the committee’s second report is currently underway. As such, examples are requested by February 15.
Please share your example with ABC’s health policy consultant Camille Bonta at Please be sure that your example includes a brief overview of the intervention, including how it is designed to reduce health disparities. Also include your contact information, as well as any sources of additional information about the initiative.