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Map of Pacific Nations

On Friday, the 2nd of July, 1999, we believe that the Lord shared this prophetic word with our family:
For the Kingdom of God, I claim Micronesia,
   Melanesia, Polynesia, and Indonesia!
The islands of the sea are calling to me,
   And to my family!
Many language groups, I see!
   The Word of God in their tongues will be!
Broken is the curse of Babel!
   Every tribe will have a Bible!
Miracles of abundance I do see.
   Converted to us is the hidden wealth of the sea!

In response to this, we went into full time missionary service at the end of 2000. For the past 16 years, we have worked with people of these nations. It amazes us God has enabled us to continue to do so. Our desire is that people have access to the Word of God in their own language. As far as we are able, we believe that we are supposed to continue to live and work within this region of the world, doing whatever God leads us to do.

I (Lori) teach 6th Grade Health Education at a middle school in Central Maui. It’s not exactly the tourist area of the island. My school has quite a variety of ethnic groups. One of the reasons we have so many Pacific Islanders is because of the Compact of Free Association. This allows citizens of 3 Pacific nations to freely live and work in the U. S. A. Every day I see about 180 students. I’ve learned a lot about South Pacific Islanders and have a better understanding of why so many families leave these small island nations or territories and come to live in Hawaii. Many are seeking better health care, a good education or new opportunities. In my classes I come upon many who are from the Federated state of Micronesia and Marshall Islands. I also have students from all parts of the Pacific: Philippines (2nd largest ethnic group in Hawaii), Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Nauru, Japan, and of course, Hawaii. Other ethnic groups that are represented in our school are: Korean, Chinese, Hispanic, Thai and white (a small minority).

Chinese Union Version Bible plates
Old metal printing plate used with the Chinese Union Version at the American Bible Society Headquarters in Philadelphia

I (Michael) recently returned from an Every Tribe Every Nation Digital Bible Library Summit at the American Bible Society Headquarters in Philadelphia. I presented about collecting and reporting data on Bible engagement. It was good to have face-to-face meetings to improve working relationships between organizations. Working remotely is good for getting things done, but it is hard to beat face-to-face meetings in forming and strengthening relationships with ministry partners.
Next week, I plan to attend the Pacific Wa'a meetings in Haniara, Solomon Islands. This should be a good time of networking with various Christian ministries working in the Pacific area, as well. Please pray for our family as God directs you.
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Michael & Lori Johnson
World Outreach MinistriesTax-deductible donations may be made to us online at or by sending a check to:

MARRIETTA GA 30061-0379


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Michael and Lori Johnson
26 Hiwalani Loop
Makawao, HI 96768-8747

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