
Get Happy: 30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Gratitude

Happiness is not about getting what we want, it's about loving what we have.
Welcome to Day 1.  To start us off today’s challenge is very simple, think of or write down 3 things that you’re grateful for today.
If we spend our time always looking for the next best thing we forget to enjoy what we have.  So shouldn’t we spend more time thinking about what we have, not what we don’t have?  Gratitude not desire, is the way to happiness.  It’s how we condition our mind to encourage a more positive way of thinking and once you start looking you’ll find it everywhere.  It’s not that I have more to be glad for now (I actually have less) but I notice more and therefore feel happier.
Sometimes we’re seeking this perfect thing that will be with us 24/7 and will come in the form of winning lotto or a marriage proposal from Brad Pitt.  Happiness is often more subtle, for example unexpectedly finding $20 in an old pair of jeans, a sunny day at the beach, lying in the arms of the one you love on a lazy Sunday morning, someone giving you a hug when you feel sad.  It’s all happiness we just need to learn to recognise it, appreciate it and cultivate it so we can have a little bit more, little more often.  As Berne Brown says; “Joy is not a constant, it comes to us in moments, often ordinary moments.  Sometimes we miss out on the bursts of joy because we’re too busy chasing down extraordinary moments. 
At the end of my morning yoga practice I always think of 3 things I am grateful for and usually these are the small things; the sun shining, my family, my health, my freedom, my life, the fresh food in the garden, mother nature.  Even on the worst days there’s always something to be grateful for.  Start every day thinking about something you are grateful for.  This could be the sun is shining, your family, the fact that it’s Friday, there are so many to choose from.  If you time it with something you do every morning (like boiling the kettle or brushing your teeth) it becomes part of your morning routine and a great way to start the day.  For those who like writing why not start a gratitude diary and keep a note of all the things you’re grateful for each day?
It may seem simple but see how it makes you feel, it’s the simple things that make the difference and often because they are simple we don’t prioritise them.  Let me know how this works for you, what are you grateful for today?
I’d love to hear what you think and how you get on, share your experience of the challenge not just with me but friends, colleagues and others in the 30 day challenge community.  Using the Facebook page and website.  It’s not too late for others to join in, so feel free to forward this on to others you think may appreciate it.
See you tomorrow


Who am I?
Over the past few years I have changed my own life into one I love, this involved leaving a long term relationship, moving overseas, leaving my corporate job and following a different path. Learning a lot about myself and even more about life and happiness along the way. I’ve travelled the world and learned from those who know the art of happiness and I am keen to share this with you to help inspire your life.  Find out more about my story here

After a successful career in Human Resources in the corporate world I decided to follow her passion in Health and Wellness.  Now a Life coach, speaker and author of A Rough Guide to a Smooth Life. Having lived, worked and volunteered in many countries and cultures with some inspirational people I draw my life experience into my work to help teach others the principles of health and happiness.
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