This week at St. Luke's

Dear Beloved Community,
I was moved profoundly by the sharing of “Appreciations” at last Sunday’s Annual Meeting. It is clear that God is working in and through the people and ministries of this congregation and is calling us to move forward with faith and vision.   You can check out my address on our website or on our Facebook page.
This is the season after the Epiphany when the church focuses on being light-bearers in a dark world. Our new Bishop’s Committee will be working with me and our interns to discern how we might do that in this next year. 
One way is by standing up and speaking out for justice, especially for those who are most vulnerable. The Bishop and the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia have done so on behalf of St. Luke’s and many of the people we serve by being party to a lawsuit challenging the practice of “sweeps” of homeless people and their possessions. You can read about this here.    
Each one of us is called to bring good news, to share light, to work for justice and peace. We all need companions on the journey, the inspiration and challenge of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the one we call the Light of the World. May you find food for your soul and the cup of new life as you join in building up God’s beloved community in this place.
With faith, hope and love,
Canon Britt

New Sunday Morning Book Group

Join us each Sunday at 9am as we read and discuss Forgiveness, the Passionate Journey: Nine Steps of Forgiving through Jesus’ Beatitudes by Flora Slosson Wuellner. This book examines the importance and meaning of forgiveness through the lens of the Beatitudes, and it points out the distinctive challenges on the path of forgiveness presented by modern culture. Copies of the book are $10, and there will be copies available at church every week.

From Children's Ministry Director, Jasen Frelot

In the six months I have been at St. Luke’s it has been exciting to see the growth of the number of children and our children’s program. Hannah, Ruby and I have been grateful to be part of this congregation and the development of its ministry to families. 
Because of the growth of my preschool and my work with “Kids and Race,” I no longer have the time to direct Children’s Ministry, and it is time for someone with passion and training to move the program forward. I will be ending my official employment with St. Luke’s on this Sunday, January 29.
We will not be leaving St. Luke’s completely. Our family will be present for worship and the sharing of the “Kid’s Word” as our schedule allows on a monthly basis. We treasure the relationships that have developed here.

Meaningful Movies

Meaningful Movies presents Under the Bridge: The Criminalization of Homelessness at The Royal Drummer (6420 24th Ave NW) on Sunday, January 29 at 5pm. A panel discussion will follow featuring our own Sara Bates and guests from the Edible Hope feeding ministry.  

New Bishop's Committee and Convention Delegates

At Sunday's Annual Meeting, St. Luke's elected Julia Hunter, Barbara Wilson, Susan Young, and Nathan Zetterberg to the Bishop's Committee. Canon Britt appointed Barbara Wilson as Senior Warden. They join continuing BC members Bernadette Walcott and Whitney Patterson. The Bishop's Committee is responsible for discerning mission, managing church finances and compensation for staff, building leadership, and developing vision for the future. They meet monthly. You are always welcome to attend meetings; the next meeting is on Tuesday February 7 at 6:30pm in Bennett Hall. Please feel free to talk with any member about questions, concerns, or ideas that you want to share.

We also elected Bernadette Walcott and Cindy Chase as delegates and Paul Bugala as alternate to the Diocesan Convention.

Thanks to all who agreed to serve. Please keep them in your prayers on behalf of St. Luke's.

Joy, Simplicity, Mercy: A Young(ish) Adult Retreat

This pre-Lenten retreat for young adults (20ish to 40ish) at Seabeck Conference Center is centered on the gospel values of joy, simplicity, and mercy and the the practices of the Taizé community.

Taizé is a form of contemplative worship that incorporates mystical practices such as meditative singing, chanting, and silence and the use of candles, icons, and prayer stations.

The focus of this 24+ hour retreat is exploration of the gospel themes of joy, simplicity, and mercy in preparation for Lent. You will be introduced to the ecumenical, international practices of prayer, worship and service that shape the Taizé community and have been adopted by individuals and groups around the world.

Seabeck Conference Center is located on beautiful Hood Canal, a short drive and ferry ride away. Lodging includes private bedrooms with two twin beds and a shared bathroom. Please note preferred roommate on the registration form. Single occupancy rooms available for an additional $25. Provisions include: all bedding, towels, four meals beginning with dinner on Friday, Check-in on Friday begins at 4:00 pm; retreat begins 6:00 pm.

The cost of the retreat is $102 per person, and registration forms are available on the table in the Narthex. For more information or financial assistance, contact Canon Britt

Lector Training

After worship service on February 19, there will be a training for lectors to grow skills for proclaiming God's word and practices to deepen spiritual engagement of the practice of reading. Whether you're interested in joining the lector team for the first time or have been lectoring for years, we'd love to see you! Talk to Kate Davis or email her with questions or to RSVP.

Edible Hope

Recently, the gratitude for Edible Hope has been overwhelming. Every day we have dozens of guests say what a gift the feeding ministry and our volunteers are to their daily lives. I too want to share my immense gratitude for the wonderful volunteers we have serving each morning. We have added to our numbers and it seems to be taking some of the burden off some of our most committed volunteers. If you are interested or know someone looking to increase their involvement in our neighborhood, check out our page on  Also please share our Amazon wish list with all your friends and family; these are items that help keep our kitchen running smoothly and keep our guests happy! There are items at a variety of price points.

~Sara Bates

Welcome to Our New Building and Grounds Manager - Andrew Cholewa

Andrew describes himself as a passionate gardener, especially knowledgeable about organic gardening and permaculture techniques. He began digging in the dirt alongside his Master Gardener mother. He's also competent in carpentry, building repairs, basic plumbing and electricity, and roofing. He began his work in the trades under his father in the family business.

He and his wife Gemma share a commitment to compassionate relationships with the unhoused. He works in the emergency medical field and has six years of experience with those on the margins. Currently employed as an Emergency Department Tech for Swedish Ballard, he knows many of our breakfast guests by name.

He also has experience working with groups of volunteers in community gardens, so those of you who like plants will have a chance to join him in the ongoing work of making St. Luke's beautiful and inviting. 

They will be living in the duplex closest to the parking lot starting February 1st. Please welcome them.

Spiritual Pilgrimage

Attend our informational potluck on February 12 at 5:30pm to learn about our upcoming Spiritual Pilgrimage!

This potluck is the first step on a journey that will take place during weekly pilgrimage gatherings March 5 through May 7.

Based on ancient Christian rites of passage, this deeply experiential pilgrimage guides participants through scriptural reflections, short teachings, and their own stories and questions.

Especially recommended for those interested in baptism, confirmation, reaffirmation of faith, or membership at St Luke’s; those new to the Episcopal Church; and all who desire to deepen and explore their faith.

Community Connection

Our first Community Connection event was a huge success, with 27 people present! It was so much fun that we’re going to do it again on February 21 from 6pm to 8pm at the Royal Drummer restaurant, 6420 24th Ave. NW. All are welcome!

Luke's Kids to Resume in February

Luke's Kids will be closed during the month of January.  Please come to play starting again on February 6!

Office Hours

Parish office hours are
Monday through Thursday 11am to 3pm. 
Office email:

Upcoming events

January 29, 5pm - Meaningful Movies screening of The Criminialization of Homelessness at the Royal Drummer (6420 24th Ave NW)

February 12, 1:30-4:30pm - Faith and Race event at Quest Church (1401 NW Leary Way)

February 12, 5:30pm - Get-acquainted potluck and introduction to Spiritual Pilgrimage program

February 17-19 - Young(ish) Adult Retreat at Seabeck Conference Center

February 19, after worship - Lector training

February 21, 6pm-8pm - Community Connection event at the Royal Drummer, 6420 24th Ave. NW

Ongoing Events

Meals Ministry 
Breakfast: Monday - Friday 7am - 10am

Adult Forum Series

Sundays at 9am: Adult Forum/Bible Study. 

Bishop's Committee

Our leadership team meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in Bennett Hall. Our next meeting is February 7. Anyone may attend. If you have an item for the agenda, please let Canon Britt know ahead of the meeting.

Prayer Ministry Group

The Prayer Ministry Group meets on Thursdays from 10-11am in Bennett Hall. Prayer requests can be submitted online or by placing a written request in the box in the lobby.
Luke's Lambs is open every Sunday from 9:45 am until 5 minutes after worship ends.

Children ages 5 and younger are welcome at Luke's Lambs, found at the bottom of the stairs just inside the entrance to Bennett Hall. You will find a safe, warm environment with adults who are delighted to care for your child. You may get your child during The Peace if you want to bring her/him to communion or wait until the end of worship and bring him/her to coffee hour.
Luke's Kids will be closed in January and reopens on February 6!
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