Hello Neighbours,
Welcome to a New Year and the first edition of our community newsletter for 2017!
While most people have been in holiday mode, we've been learning new skills and working on our Web Site. It's shaping up nicely thanks to a community minded neighbour and friend, Julie-Ann.
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Quote of the Week:

"In the end all journey's have to bring us home."
Pico Iyer; a British-born essayist and novelist of Indian origin, best known for his travel writing. Pico Iyer has spent more than 30 years tracking movement and stillness —
and the way criss-crossing cultures have changed the world, our imagination and all our relationships.

Dulong Celebrates Australia Day!
Join in our Aussie Morning Tea on Thursday 26 January 2017.
'On the Verge' @ 10.00am
Corner Dulong & Thrushs Roads

Bring a plate of Aussie food to share, an opportunity to meet neighbours and enjoy good company and conversation. 

Sun Safety: Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap. 
Please bring a chair and BYO reusable mug. 

Proudly a community owned activity.
Approved by the Sunshine Coast Council and registered with the Australia Day Council.

On Australia Day we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future.

There will be a display, presenting contemporary perspectives of Australia Day.


Photo:  At the Dulong Lookout; Jennifer Catalano meeting with residents and visitors, Christina and Einar from Sweden.

There are lots of people working behind the scenes doing all sorts of things that will benefit our community.  A small group is currently developing some IT projects.  'On the Verge' activities will continue for the next 6 months (approved by the Sunshine Coast Council), until we have secured land to create and nurture our Community Garden and informal meeting spaces for neighbours, friends and visitors to enjoy.

Jennifer Catalano is leading a Living History Project to recognise our heritage. Hidden stories of settlement in Dulong will hopefully be re-told in an interpretive plaque.  
It is hoped the application to the Sunshine Coast Council will be successful and tie in nicely with the Dulong Lookout upgrade, due to be completed by the end of June 2017.  Also, the Living History Group is busily working on the campaign to Save the Dulong-Kureelpa School of Arts site and remains, and some interesting history activities.  More news to share soon.

The good news is, there are alternatives to attending traditional meetings, ways to communicate, share skills and contribute to building a healthy community ... and there's room for everyone.
If you have an idea and skills you'd like to share and develop with a friendly group of people, we'd love to hear from you.

Maybe you'd like to set up a blog, contribute to our web site, share your Snapchat skills or want to get involved with developing and launching a crowd funding campaign?

Here's a startup that's taking volunteering out of the 'too hard' millenial basket

21 December 2016

Statistically, millennials aged 18-24 are the least likely to volunteer time to charitable causes, but Melbourne startup Vollie is making it easier than ever before.

Matt Boyd, founder and managing director of non-profit organisation Vollie ...

He says most of today’s youth don’t volunteer because the system of volunteering is out-dated and needs to evolve to suit 21st century needs and our online life.

“Volunteering needs to change,” Boyd tells SBS. “It can’t be the traditional way of all the red tape to start volunteering and that ongoing commitment, because we are all so busy.”

Monday in Mapleton Coffee Meet-Ups will recommence soon.
Enjoy an Early Morning Walk, starting at 6.00am at the walkway entrance in Dulong School Road.  
The full walk takes about an hour or just Tagalong when you see us!
In the spirit of community,
please share our newsletter with neighbours, family and friends.

Thank you!
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Dulong Futures Community Group · 284 Dulong Road · Dulong, Qld 4560 · Australia

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