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A Day in the Life – January 2, 2017

Of a Multi-Talented Sensitive in a Movie Theater *

The experience begins in the ticket line. If there’s no ticket line, then it begins in the lobby.

I can feel others anticipation, excitement and sometimes dread buzzing around me like a swarm of gnats staying just out of reach.

The walk down the hallway – be it long or short – brings with it a sense of the walls holding their breath, excitedly waiting for their “fix”.

Stepping into the actual theater, I keep my arms and hands close, not wanting to touch or be touched. The walls ooze; sometimes thick and dark; sometimes thin and runny.

I approach the seat. The emotional residue emanating from it can range from uncomfortable to downright nauseating.

One of my other abilities allows me to sense germs, bugs and the like.

Once I am able to  convince myself to sit, I begin to work on ignoring the various layers around me.

When the previews start, so too does the warm-ups. This is the time to not only see what movies are out, but it also allows everyone to get settled and comfy before the movie begins.

As people settle, I see most move into an energetic full open position.

What does it look like? Imagine a funnel appearing on your chest. The smaller end of the funnel is in your chest and the larger portion faces the movie screen.

Whether the movie is action, romance, comedy, sci-fi, horror, children’s movie, etc., most people allow it all into them; sucking it and receiving it directly into one’s self. And you can pull in others emotions and/or energy into yourself as well.

Once the connection is made, not only are you receiving, but the chairs and walls start absorbing the emotions you are exuding. You are feeding the theater.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love a good movie. And watching them at home can produce the same – almost (if not) hypnotic – connection, and I do absorb.

I just can’t handle the uncomfortable energy overload from theaters. And when I watch movies at home, I limit the energy exposure and, I can “clean” my furniture and walls of any residue my – or other family members – reactions released. At home, no one has to muck through, sit in, or absorb any one else’s energy.

You May Not Experience Group Energy

I addressed several abilities in this article, only one or two may resonate with the reader.

Many may not experience group energy the way I described it, and that’s great. But please don’t ask me to go to the movies with you, unless we can find a drive-in theater…those relics I can do.

* This based on my experiences, abilities, and interpretations. It’s not meant to be a “one-size-fits-all”. It’s my attempt to put into words a visual for the reader; and it’s not necessarily what I physically see.

by Jan Toomer

Gratis Distant Reiki Group Session

Reiki is a healing energy modality. I am a Reiki Master. I bring in Universal Energy, and offer to those who wish to receive it. If you want to receive it, I am volunteering to hold a group session (no charge) on Friday, February 3, 2017, 6-7pm (MT). You only need to want it, intend to receive it and relax at home during the distant session time.

Reiki goes where it is needed. I am not doing readings or interpretations; am only sending the healing energies out for those who wish to have it.

For more information:

Are You Experiencing (3D Density/Separation to 5D Love/Unity Consciousness) Ascension Symptoms?

by Steve Nobel | 16 Dec 2016

What is Ascension?

Ascension is the process of personal awakening where your energy bodies open to embody more of your Divine light into physical form. This process shifts your core vibration into a higher timeline-matrix which many are calling 5D love/unity consciousness. Here your chakras and energy systems receive an upgrade, dormant DNA becomes activated and you begin to experience more of your true multidimensional nature. Here you naturally access more flow, trust, synchronicity and miracles.

Ascension is a process that is affecting a small percentage of the global population right now. Less than 1% is going probably through this in the way I am about to describe. It is important to note that Lightworkers/Starseeds are the group going through the ascension process now (and since you are here reading this that includes you. If you want to know more about this topic there is a free EBook called Starseeds on this website you can download. What can be said now is this process is waking you up to your stellar origins.) Eventually the whole planet will of course wake up but through a different process which will most likely come through revelations about the true nature of what has been going on behind the scenes by those running the planet. (It is likely that many who are not complete with the lessons of 3D life will choose to leave this dimension of the planet to continue their soul evolution elsewhere).

When more of your Divine light is held in your energy bodies then you will naturally begin to release any area of your life that is connected to the old low frequency paradigm. Certain people and situations may start to fall away to make space for more high vibe individuals. (At the bottom of the vibrational scale are energies such as guilt, helplessness, rage, shame. Higher up energies include joy, love, acceptance, generosity, and service). Perhaps a relationship that once worked will no longer feels joyful. Perhaps a job that seemed comfortable for a while now feels increasingly uncomfortable. Perhaps you will feel the urge to change your diet or where you live. This process is challenging but ultimately it will bring many gifts and a greater sense of wanting to assist the global ascension process in some way.
What to Expect in the Early Stages…

The early stages of ascension can include very physical mutational symptoms such as (ascension) flu, headaches, diarrhoea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Headaches, blurry vision, increased or decreased hearing and sometimes chest pains are due to expanding energies in the heart and head. You may hear strange noises in your head such as strange buzzing. Brain chemistry starts to alter as the right and left brain functions blend. Headaches may occur as the pituitary and pineal glands begin to change in size. The DNA structure (within the etheric body) begins to change as the etheric body floods with light. This may release old energy programs/patterns. It is very common to feel more sensitive to your environment. For instance, crowds or noise might feel overwhelming. Dietary wise, you may feel inclined to eat less and include more light, live food. Pure water also becomes very important. Some substances such as sugar, meat or alcohol may be cut down or eliminated. Sleep patterns may shift. There can be bouts of sleeplessness. Vision and hearing difficulties may arise as these senses are being realigned to function differently. You begin to question “why am I here” and “what am I meant to be doing”?

What to Expect in the Intermediate Stages…

Physical aches and pains usually continue. Your thought processes become non-linear and you can oscillate between knowing and doubt, fear and ecstasy. There is a yo-yo effect, one day joyful and the next the world seems dark and heavy. You may have high energy one day and feel drained the next. This can be a time of great emotional clearing you rid yourself of emotional baggage. You may feel like crying at the drop of a hat or feeling angry or sad with little provocation. You have a greater desire for your own space. You may question what is real, and at times feel you are going crazy. Your ego may feel at war with impulses from your Higher Self. Even though you fear you are going crazy you feel a strong urge to follow spirit. You cannot explain this to some people. You begin to feel synchronicity working and you may also get glimpses of higher abilities such as telepathy or clairvoyance. Dreams become more ‘lucid’ and you may dream of strange new places and people. Time is becoming more fluid and you may actually start to dream of the possible future. You are re-evaluating your life. This feels uncomfortable but it must be done. It is a of letting go, of moving on. Often relationships or jobs that feel stuck can end or change rapidly as there is simply no room for denial on any level.
What to Expect Further Down the Line…

This level is where you surrender the fight and your ego stops trying to battle with your Higher Self. You surrender to the higher power that is working through you. There is a dissolution or upgrading of resistant ego selves. The ego becomes more positively polarised and a more faithful servant to the Higher Self. The logical/rational parts within you stop trying to control the process. You are more open and trusting of your intuitive guidance and higher impulses. You are now an instrument for the light. You start to notice signs and portents from your Higher Self. Perhaps random messages have a powerful meaning for you. You may see master numbers everywhere such as 11, 22 and 33. Many limiting patterns from this present life and from many other lifetimes (this dimension and others) are neutralised in the deep unconscious. This allows for a greater sense of ease and flow. Your DNA has been activated to a full 12 strand (in this time frame there are 2 in the physical and 10 in the etheric) and you begin to manifest a new reality. One where you feel more grounded, open, willing, focused and purposeful. You have shifted your relationship with time that no longer feels linear but more multidimensional. There is no separation between you and your Higher Self.
Advise of Coping with All of the Above….

The core attitude to adopt to successfully navigate this process is one of letting go. Holding onto something that is not really working for you is a sure way to make the process more difficult. Everything is going to change and perhaps faster than might feel comfortable. This may bring up confusion for a time. Realise that you cannot work out what is happening with your logical mind. Yes the information here and elsewhere can give some understanding. Trust your feelings. Listen when your body is telling you to slow down, breath and seek silence. Take time out as often as you can. Rest is essential. On the other hand gentle exercise such as yoga or chi gung is great when the time feels right. Self-love is a good stance to take when witnessing any difficult feelings that arise. Trust your intuition. Perhaps journalling will help or some other method of expressing what needs to be expressed. Give voice to the child within, your vulnerable side, that may struggle with this process. Find people who understand the process and hang out with them. Just a friendly smile over a cup of tea can be very nurturing and healing. Salt baths can help clear negative energies from your energy fields. For some, crystals can also be a helpful aid to clear the chakra system. In this process there are new chakras opening and some crystals can help. Amethyst can have a very calming effect. Bloodstone can support the physical body. Kunzite can help with emotional swings. Sodalite can help the mental body. There are flower essences that can help. I have found the Bach remedy White Chestnut and Gorse are very helpful if there is a dark night of the soul type of experience. Rock Rose is very good if there is a lot of fear associated with the process. Golden Rose from Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury is great for opening to higher frequencies of love. If you search on Google for “flower essences and ascension” you will find many other sources. (If you are worried about any physical symptoms it is always wise to get yourself checked out). If you go to see a healer make sure they understand the ascension process. Since the planet is also ascending nature can be a very useful place to hang out in if and when you feel overwhelmed. Why not think about visiting your local park and sit under a friendly tree or even better get out into the wilds of nature. Sea air can be very cleansing. Mountains and forests can also be very healing. Very importantly remember to ask your Higher Self, guides and angels for help. There is always much help in the spirit realms. Work with new dispensations for clearing karma and dense energies such as the Violet Fire. (There are plenty of free meditation-transmissions on this website that may assist you here). Whatever you are going through remember that suffering is generated whenever we fixate on the past or on the future. Bring yourself back to the present moment with your breath. Above all treat yourself with loving kindness.

Energy Broadcasters and Receivers

Everyone broadcasts and receives energy information. We’ve been doing it daily our whole life, but many have relegated that information to background noise status.

Not all broadcasters and receivers are equal. Some may be stronger in one than another. I have some friends who broadcast loudly, especially if they are excited or scared.

 I have some friends who excel in receiving, even if the other person hadn’t intended to broadcast.

What is a Broadcaster? What is a Receiver?

Pretty much as the words sound. A Broadcaster can send out – or broadcast – emotions and/or thoughts.

Receivers are those who can hear, see and/or know what is broadcast. This can utilize one or more abilities: telepathic; empathic (feeling others emotions or intent); clairaudient (clear hearing); claircognizant (clear knowing); and/or clairvoyant (clear seeing).


We are communicating through broadcasting and receiving daily, but most of us are usually not consciously aware of it except perhaps in extreme cases.

Example: Ever had the feeling a friend or loved one was distressed, hurt or scared though you weren’t near them? If so, the friend/loved one was broadcasting and you were receiving.

By consciously becoming aware of your broadcasting and/or receiving, you can exercise it to help with perhaps making it stronger and/or more clear.

by Jan Toomer

2017 Is About Moving into the Heart

I was getting ready to have surgery on my hand, so was focused on the logistics of the pre-surgery to-do list, and the post-surgery to-do list.

A dear friend and I went to lunch. She told me that I needed to get out of my head and move into my heart; and she was right.

2017 is About Moving into the Heart

Moving into trust, compassion and love (heart) and out of fear (mind) can change so much of your life.

Some people perceive coming from one’s heart means to be passive or uninvolved. I don’t feel that is the case. I think coming from the heart is asking you to release fear and look, feel and express your life from your heart. To not get caught up in others fears. To not get caught up in your fear or others fears.

Because we are releasing third dimensional…well…everything, we need to quit reacting.

It is all about how you react to an incident or person; rather, not reacting to an incident or person. It’s how you handle it. Reacting comes from a place of fear, and not coming from the heart. And reacting to something/someone almost guarantees a repeat experience.

An extreme example of fear: War is all about fear – and war has been around for a long time. And frankly, what has changed lately because of it? More fear, more fighting, more killing?

Obviously that fear based method is not working. It’s time to move into the heart energy.

If you do not buy into the fear, your resulting ACTIONS (not reactions) will be totally different than your reactions would have been.

Heart energy can stand firm in what is right (spiritually, not egotistically) and work towards healing self and others.

What is our world going to be like when we all step out of the fear?


Taking care of self and moving into the heart may not happen overnight, but as long as you are actively working on them, you begin to free yourself up for the new.

Oh, your efforts will be tested. By you. Your higher self asks the Universe to ask you, “How serious are you about changing ‘X’? Let’s check and see.” And you’ll be provided an opportunity to put it into practice.

Don’t think of this as a pass or fail test. Just the word “test” brings stress. You are asking you if you’ll stick to your new goals, so the Universe provides an opportunity for you to try it out. It also helps in being able to see or find a weak spot in your work. If there is, you can strengthen or shore up that weak area.


The physical senses may become increasingly more sensitive. This may come about in waves or cycles.

A desire, from the physical body, to detox and eat clean live food, will continue to spread.

So What is the New?

In a nutshell, becoming more of the limitless being you are (and forgot), which means the possibilities of what each individual’s “new” will be are infinite – perhaps limited only by your own thoughts and/or imagination.


- Not only are we working on self, but we are working on a global scale. Yes, it has been, and may still be, a rough road; and will continue to be so until WE, ALL, decide no more hate, dominance, violence, and war and move into heart energy.

- While we are working on all of this, we are also moving towards balanced energy – not male dominated, not female dominated.

- The call for clean safe water and clean safe food for everyone will continue and grow.

- The reality of the damage from Fukushima will become more “real”. It has been hidden from the public, but it won’t be allowed to be hidden or downplayed anymore.

- Time, as one spiritually grows, will become more elusive. Time really isn’t linear to begin with, so as we distance ourselves from the 3D linear thinking, “time” gets away from us; speeding up, slowing down, or missing (as in just gone).

Visual Changes

One of the benefits of our growth changes or opportunities is that vision (physical sight) is altering. Some reports of seeing or experiencing the following in one’s home, environment and/or area:

- Seeing moving lights (that are not orbs) inside the home
- Other world beings
- Other dimension beings
- More breaking down 3D Earth’s visual illusions
- Clearer/ more obvious results of one’s attitudes or energy output, for better or worse.
- More, unmistakable, results of your thoughts becoming real (again, for better or worse)

How You Decide to Experience

How you decide to respond to a situation or incident will not only show you where you’re at on your journey (blinders off and be honest with self!), but it will also determine whether or not you need to have another similar learning opportunity, or did you “get it”?

Remember, it’s not the event or person, it’s how you handle it, without reacting to it.

I wish us each a fantastic journey for 2017.


by Jan Toomer
Red Door
by Jan Toomer
Facebook: Reality Undefined
- Reality Undefined's page.

What Abilities Do You Use in Consultations?

Everything is energy, and everything is connected, so the delineation lines blur as to what ability is used when and where. Though using my own simplified definitions, I mainly use the following in consultations:


Medium = one who can “see” and/or “hear” the deceased and can communicate with them.

Channeler = a “spirit” channeler is one who can “see” and/or “hear”, and can communicate with non-physical beings.

There is also channeling, in special cases, people who are still living.

Reader = one who can “see” and/or “know”, and interpret, subtle energies beyond the physical body.

When I work, it is all intertwined. There is no separation. Whatever ability is needed is what is used.


When a person sets an appointment for their consultation, I request the client’s team (guides) work with me and my team for the client’s highest and best.

Before meeting a new client, and if it is energetically available to me (pre-readings are not always given to me), I will do a blind/pre-reading (no in-depth information provided me by the client) and have it written and ready for the appointment.

After meeting the client (or connecting on phone if a phone consult) and sharing the pre-read (if available), we move on to the session. The client can ask their questions and off we go!


Q. What do you “see”?
. Looking straight on at the front of the client, I usually can “see” (if they want to be acknowledged) – in my mind’s eye – deceased relatives behind the client’s left shoulder.

Guides, angels, other beings are behind the right shoulder.

Only those who feel they are needed for the client’s session will show themselves to me. Sometimes I do not see anyone around the client. This doesn’t mean that no one is there, it just means they don’t have a message to share at that time.

Animal totems can appear anywhere in the client’s energy field; standing beside, behind or on the client.

I usually “hear” off to the client’s left. This is where informational energy packets come in, and wait for me to interpret into words for the client.

Those clients who have strong medium abilities, I “see” a line of people following them.

For animal or plant communicators and/or healers, I will “see” a line of animals, plants, or both following behind the client.

I will only “see” or “hear” what the client’s higher self has given permission to be shared with me, and comes through the client’s team.

The client’s questions lead the session.

Rarely, though it does happen, I may get a blank wall. It can show up at anytime (or not at all), from initial contact from the client to a specific topic or question. This blank wall is my symbolism for letting me know that it is off limits to me.

For initial client contact, it means that I am not the one to aid them.

For a topic or question, it means it’s not for me to answer/assist. It may not be time for that answer to be revealed, or it is not to come through me.

I am not the one who dictates when something is off limits to me – that is up to the client’s higher self and team. And no, I am not shown it if I’m not to share it…all I see is a blank wall.

Q. Can you tell me what my illness/pain is?
. I am not a medical doctor or a therapist/counselor. I do not diagnose nor prescribe. When an energy imbalance shows up, I can tell you that I “see” an energetic imbalance and recommend for you to see your doctor or mental health professional.

Q. I have some embarrassments from my past and am afraid you will see them.
I will only see what your higher self and team wants me to bring to your conscious attention.

Most everyone has some things in their past that they aren’t too proud of, or want to share. I believe it’s called being human. I don’t judge.

Q. After my session with you, I found out: so-and-so passed away (for example): I had (a major disease/illness); my significant other was cheating on me; etc. Why didn’t you tell me or warn me?
. I can only share what your higher self and team share with me. If I don’t “see’ it or “hear” it, I can’t share it.

If you bring it up to me that you suspect and/or are worried about a disease or illness, I'll recommend that you have it checked out by your physician. I do not diagnose nor prescribe.

Q. Why do you recommend a 2 hour session the first time someone sees you?
Though it is not mandatory, I do recommend a 2 hour session the first time. This time allotment seems appropriate for the client to get comfortable with how I work and to ask – and receive – answers to questions.

After the initial session, some clients schedule anywhere from a one hour, two hours, or more hours session as they see fit. It is the client’s personal preference.

Q. Why are you sharing this information?
Twofold. It helps new clients understand a bit of what I do and how I do it. Also, someone may be new to their abilities, and this may help them.



by Jan Toomer
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