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Februari 2017

Waarde lezers van de Sanitary Engineering Nieuwsbrief,
Het jaar is nog geen 2 maanden oud en de wereld is al weer flink veranderd... Maar water stroomt nog steeds naar beneden en met de 69e vakantiecursus zijn we het jaar weer traditioneel van start gegaan. In de lijn van de vorige episode zoeken we net als water zelf verbinding met de grotere hydrologische cyclus. Gelukkig delen velen met ons deze uitdaging. Het resultaat was een mooie netwerkdag met veel informatieve verhalen. De bijdrage van weerman Peter Kuipers-Munneke is goed blijven plakken op het netvlies... nog steeds maken we ons druk om zaken waar we ons eigenlijk niet om druk zouden maken en vergeten we dingen die heel snel al onze aandacht behoeven...
De Nieuwsbrief staat weer vol met nieuwe projecten, afsluitende promoties, studenten die de wijde wereld ingaan om kennis te vergaren of toe te passen, activiteiten van studenten, awards, wetenschappelijke workshops, enz.
Wij wensen u wederom veel leesplezier.
Jules van Lier


28-02-2017 Promotie Yasmina Bennani
15-03-2017 Promotie Ljiljana Zlatanovic
15-05-2017 23rd EJSW: Monitoring urban drainage systems
18-05-2017 MMWWRR 2017

Verslag 69e Vakantiecursus

De dag werd afgetrapt met een ontvangst door voorzitter van het College van Bestuur van de TU Delft: Tim van der Hagen.

Tijdens de ontvangstrede, waarin de rol van de TUD in technologische innovaties werd toegelicht, kwam duidelijk naar voren dat water een grote en belangrijke rol speelt in de huidige activiteiten van de universiteit. Met Delft Global wil de TUD de beschikbaarheid van drinkwater en veilige sanitatie ook in de minder bedeelde gebieden op aarde vergroten. Na deze introductie rede verdeelden de deelnemers zich over zaal A en zaal B. In zaal A trapte Manuel Alvarinho uit Mozambique de dag af en wees nadrukkelijk op het feit dat veilig drinkwater en deugdelijke sanitatie voor veel mensen helaas niet is weggelegd. Manuel Alvarinho ging direct na zijn presentatie naar de aula om daar zijn eredoctoraat van de TUD in ontvangst te nemen. In het kader van het TUD lustrum jaar ‘Technology for Life’ werd in breed verband stil gestaan bij de noodzaak van veilig drinkwater en sanitatie in de ontwikkeling van een moderne maatschappij. [lees meer]


Promotie Yasmina Bennani
28-02-2017 | 10.00 uur | Aula TU Delft
Een van de grootste wereldwijde, humanitaire problemen is onvoldoende toegang tot schoon water en sanitaire voorzieningen. Om deze problemen aan te pakken zal er intensief onderzoek moeten worden gedaan naar het ontwikkelen van robuuste, nieuwe methoden voor waterbehandeling met aan de ene kant lagere kosten en aan de andere kant minder energie- en chemicaliënverbruik, resulterend in een lagere impact op het milieu. [lees meer]

Promotie Ljiljana Zlatanovic
15-03-2016 | 12.30 uur | Aula TU Delft
The effectiveness of automatic fire sprinkler systems has been proven over the decades of their application, with respect to the property damage, number of casualties and injured from fires. Nevertheless, large application of sprinkler systems in the Netherlands is not feasible due to the operational requirements of the commercially available residential sprinklers, in terms of flow and pressure, 50-80 L/min and 0.7- 1.6 bar, respectively. These requirements cannot be assured at the house level in the Netherlands. A decade long discussion on fire flows, delivered through drinking water networks, have drawn fire fighters and drinking water companies together, exploring innovative approaches to improve public health and safety in homes. [lees meer]


Nominatie KNW Scriptieprijs - Niels van der Linden
De Waternetwerk Scriptieprijs voor jongeren is ingesteld ter aanmoediging van voltijdstudenten onder de 30 voor de beste scriptie over een wateronderwerp. De prijs bestaat uit een geldprijs en oorkonde voor zowel de beste BSc- als de beste MSc-afstudeerscriptie. Genomineerden worden uitgenodigd om het jaarlijkse KNW Najaarscongres bij te wonen, waar de winnaar bekend wordt gemaakt. [lees meer]

Waternet Watercyclus Innovatie Prijs 2017
Voor de vijfde keer werd op de Vakantiecursus de Waternet Watercyclus Innovatieprijs uitgereikt.
De Waternet Watercyclus Innovatie Prijs is een tweejaarlijkse prijs voor excellent onderzoek op het gebied van de stedelijke watercyclus. Het gaat dan om afgerond PhD onderzoek over de afgelopen twee jaar, in dit geval de periode 2015-2016. [lees meer]

Jaap van der Graaf-prijs uitgereikt aan Heleen de Fooij
Op 13 januari 2017 is tijdens de 69e Vakantiecursus ‘Over Waterlust en Overlast’ van de afdeling Watermanagement van de TU Delft de Jaap van der Graaf-prijs uitgereikt aan Heleen de Fooij. De prijs wordt toegekend aan een student of onderzoeker die in het voorgaande jaar het beste Engelstalige artikel over de stedelijke watercyclus schreef. Het winnende artikel van De Fooij en mede-auteurs is gepubliceerd in het blad ‘Resources, Conservation and Recycling’ en is getiteld ‘Wastewater as a resource: Strategies to recover resources from Amsterdam’s wastewater’. [lees meer]

4 CT studenten winnen Studiebeurs TopSector WATER
In totaal zijn er 17 studiebeurzen uitgereikt. Deze studiebeurzen zijn een belangrijk instrument van het Human Capital beleid van Topsector Water. De beurs wordt uitgereikt aan veelbelovende studenten die voor een wateropleiding hebben gekozen. [lees meer]

Online onderwijs

De MOOC Drinking Water Treatment is gestart op 25 januari, u kunt zich nog opgeven!
Meer informatie over deze MOOC vindt u hier. De link delen mag natuurlijk ook.

Online Professional Education (ProfEd) in Membrane filtration
We can’t help being thirsty, moving toward the voice of water. “Rumi, philosopher and poet.” The purified water from RO is used in kidney dialysis, power generation, pharmaceuticals production, medical devices, production of drinking water, manufacturing of semiconductors and paper, in sugar and beverage industry as well as concentrating and reclamation of wastewater. Attempts to replace the RO with other membrane technology such as pressure-retarded osmosis and membrane distillation have only helped to improve the RO-process. [lees meer]

Nieuws en verslagen

PDEng Civil and Environmental Engineering
You are not a drop in ocean, but entire ocean in one drop. “Rumi, philosopher and poet.”
A proper design and assessment in civil an environmental engineering does not only depend on innovative process design, but also on factors such as intelligent monitoring, social and economic aspects, and safety and environmental impacts. Therefore, a good designer requires specialist knowledge of several disciplines. However, it takes more than just science to develop such knowledge and as experience has shown, there is a mismatch between what science can deliver and what business does. In addition, there are talented graduated master students who have no interest in research and scientific details. To provide these talents with more than just scientific details, to bring science and practice a step closer to each other, and to address the needs for innovation in civil engineering sector, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at TU Delft has decided to launch a two-year program. The Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) focuses on innovated design rather than research. [lees meer]

Luuk Rietveld bestowed honorary doctorate on Mozambican engineer Manuel Alvarinho
On Friday 13 January 2017 TU Delft celebrated its 175th anniversary. On this occasion an honorary doctorate was bestowed on Manuel Alvarinho by his honorary promotor Luuk Rietveld. Alvarinho is a Mozambican Civil Engineer, and president and founder of the Water Regulatory Council in Mozambique. He has been working in the water supply and sanitation sector for over 35 years. [lees meer]

‘Be careful for Asterix villages’
“Conventional science and technology often doesn’t fit the reality of the slums and the rural areas of Mozambique”, says TU Delft honorary doctorate Manuel Carrilho Alvarinho. Alvarinho is an Mozambican Civil Engineer and has been working in the water supply and sanitation sector for over 35 years. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world, more than 50 percent of the people officially lives below the poverty line. There is a great lack of even the most basic sanitation facilities. [lees meer]

Prof. J.P. van der Hoek appointed as Pricipal Investigator at AMS -Postdoc position available for 1 year
In September 2016 the board of the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) has appointed Professor Jan Peter van der Hoek as Principal Investigator for a period of two years. [lees meer]

Does it take a perfect storm to enable research uptake?
Some of you might have missed it - sorry for that - but I have recently moved to Mozambique from the Netherlands. I’m still working for TU Delft, on my water reclamation project, but I moved here to be closer to our PhD candidates and to our project partners. I could have not picked a better time: the South of Mozambique is facing a very serious drought (while it is supposed to be the rainy season), maybe as bad as the one of the early 1980s, and I only receive water at home on alternate days, meaning that on one day I have water from around 4am until 4pm and that on the day after there will be no water. [lees meer]

ICP MS of Analytikal-Jena (PlasmaQuant MS)
With great pleasure we would like to introduce to you one of our newest high tech analytical equipment, the ICP MS of Analytikal-Jena (PlasmaQuant MS). ICP-MS has become the technique of choice for analysing various types of water. The strength of an ICP MS is the ability to measure multiple elements within one single measurement, ranging from ultra-trace to high levels. [lees meer]

Visit of Prof. Harada, Prof. Yamaguchi, Dr. Hatamoto
Early February we had a quick visit of prof. Hideki Harada, prof. Takashi Yamaguchi from Tohuko University (Sendai) and Nagaoka University, Japan. Prof. Harada is researching the feasibility of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems that preferably can operate without any fossil fuel requirement. Since the end of nineties he is experimenting in tropical areas (particularly India) at pilot and demo-scale. [lees meer]

Nieuwe projecten

Local approach to efficient water management in Mozambique
TU Delft project assists local stakeholders in developing joint vision for the Zambezi River. Millions of people in Mozambique are dependent on the Zambezi River, which rises in Zambia and flows into the Indian Ocean via Mozambique. The many varied and often also conflicting interests make water management of this river a difficult task. This leads to such problems as a shortage of water for irrigation in the dry season, and flooded villages in the wet season. In January 2017, TU Delft and partner organisations started the NICHE project Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Management in order to assist the river's stakeholders in developing a joint vision for the river. The project is also aimed at professionalising local knowledge of water management. [lees meer]

Local treatment of Urban Sewage Streams or Healthy Reuse (LOTUSHR)
While India is facing its worst water crisis in a decade, its rapid urbanization keeps on putting more stress on fresh water supply, while simultaneously water resources are polluted by untreated wastewater discharge. LOTUSHR will demonstrate a novel holistic (waste-)water management approach for the recovery of water, energy and nutrients from urban wastewater. The required treatment and reclamation steps will be determined by the water quality needed for safe and healthy reuse in households, industry and urban agriculture. [lees meer]

AGRIMAR, NWO Topsector Water
De TU Delft en Acacia Water gaan samen aan promotieonderzoek werken binnen de Topsector Water call van NWO. Met een “Excellent”  eindoordeel van NWO op zak gaan twee promovendi in het voorjaar van 2017 van start. De vragen die zij gaan beantwoorden zijn afkomstig uit het Spaarwater project van Acacia Water. [lees meer]

Natural Organic Matter (NOM) is usually present in surface water. NOM is not only the cause of odour and colour problems in drinking water. It is also responsible for the majority of the demand for coagulants and disinfectants, the competition with removal of other compounds, membrane fouling, biological instability and bacterial growth and formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs). [lees meer]

SewerSense - Multi-sensor condition assessment for sewer asset management
Proactive asset management is necessary to ensure the high levels of service currently provided by the sewer system. There are three main challenges to sewer asset management addressed within this project: Firstly, the lack of reliable sewer condition data, which limits our ability to assess the past, current, and future condition of sewers and hence to identify immediate, mid-term, and long-term rehabilitation (and financial, personnel) needs. Secondly, a sewer condition assessment framework is needed that links observed defects to performance implications and hence to decision-making objectives. This also requires practically applicable models to describe, understand, and predict deterioration as well as associated risks. Thirdly, validation of inspection techniques to obtain this data, as well as predictive models exploiting it, are crucial for providing dependable decision support to sewer asset managers. [lees meer]

Integration and optimization of water, energy and material flows to achieve sustainable urban solutions
The flows of water, energy and materials have a large potential to contribute to sustainable solutions in the city. The research focuses on the transition from a linear metabolism to a circular metabolism in cities to contribute to the realization of a circular economy in cities in which waste and emissions do not longer exist. [lees meer]

Hydraulic modelling of liquid-solid fluidisation in drinking water treatment processess
In the Netherlands annually 400 million m3 drinking water is softened in treatment plants applying fluidised bed pellet reactors. Generally, sand is used as seeding material and calcium carbonate pellets are produced as a by-product. To improve sustainability calcite pellets are grained and sieved and re-used as seeding material. [lees meer]

PS Drink - Priority-setting system to assess emerging risks for safe drinking water supply
During the last decades, new risks for drinking water resource quality frequently emerged. Emerging risks may be brought about by societal, economic pressure and climate change and may impose a public health risk. Notification of emerging risks, like the presence of pharmaceuticals in drinking water, often gives rise to public concern. To date, emerging risks are often identified in a non systematic way. [lees meer]

Nieuwe medewerkers Annemarie Mink

Annemarie Mink (Oudesluis, 1980) studied Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology and graduated in 2006 (with honours) on the re-design of a Tasar silk reeling machine for rural women in eastern India. After graduation she continued working on the development of this machine, on behalf of the Dutch organisation ICCO, and in collaboration with the Indian organisation PRADAN. In 2010 the reeling machine was patented on her name and named Anna Tasar Reeling Machine. Currently, more than 200 machines are operational, running on solar power. Then, Annemarie worked 2 years for an engineering and consultancy company before returning to the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering as a PhD candidate in 2010. During her PhD research Annemarie investigated how product designer engineers can be guided to efficiently obtain comprehensive user insights in Design for Development projects. The developed “Capability Driven Design” approach ( aims to support designers to develop products and / or services that improve the well-being of their users by enabling them to choose the lives that they value. Since 2016, she is appointed a postdoctoral research position at the Sanitary Engineering Section of the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Delft University of Technology.
[lees meer]

Dr. Gang Liu

Dr. Gang Liu started his Assistant Professor (tenure track) position at TU Delft since July 2016. Gang finished his PhD research in 2013 at the Sanitary Engineering of TU Delft on the direction of drinking water microbiological water quality during distribution. Afterwards, he has been working as researcher at Oasen Drink Water and guest researcher at TU Delft continuing researches on particles and microbes in drinking water distribution system with a special focus on the transition effects of changing supply water quality on water distribution. He is now sharing 2 days a week (Thursdays and Fridays) at TU Delft and 3 days a week at Oasen Drink Water. [lees meer]

Dimitris Xevgenos

Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos joined TU Delft as a Post Doc researcher in January 2017. Before joining TU Delft, Dimitris was a PhD researcher with the Unit of Environmental Science and Technology at the National Technical University of Athens.His research interests focus on the recovery of materials from saline impaired effluent (brines) generated either from desalination plants or from the industry. Currently, his research focuses on re-designing the value and supply chain of water and minerals through a circular economy approach for the recovery of resources from industrial brines. [lees meer]

Marc van Eekeren Reisfonds

Sustainable drinking water: Supplying energy efficient drinking water for rural communities in Nicaragua
Communities on the Telica volcano have access to water from a local aquifer. The water from this aquifer is contaminated with arsenic. To remove the arsenic from the water a nano filtration membrane can be used, however this requires energy. Our goal was to find a way to produce energy for this purpose using the thermal energy provided by the volcanic activity. [lees meer]

Water reclamation at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo
During my research I investigated the possibility of water reclamation at the main campus of the Eduardo Mondlane University. My thesis was part of the overall project ‘Sustainable freshwater supply in urbanizing Maputo, Mozambique’. Only an estimated 26% of the total volume of faecal waste generated in Maputo is safely managed. The city has a problem with fresh water shortages. Therefore the objective of the thesis was to design a sustainable wastewater treatment system that could adjust the collected wastewater into irrigation water. [lees meer]

Bachelor eindproject in Cali
Daar gingen we dan, op een koude zaterdag midden in november vertrokken wij naar het tropische Cali, Colombia, om een nieuw avontuur te beginnen!
Maar hoe kwam dit plan eigenlijk tot stand? Tijdens onze bachelor hebben wij alle drie een passie voor watermanagement ontwikkeld en wilden we daarom een bachelor eindproject in die sector doen. Toen de mogelijkheid zich voordeed om naar het buitenland te gaan hiervoor, hoefden wij niet lang na te denken. We besloten al snel dat wij de ontzettend leuke uitdaging aan wilden gaan en ons bachelor eind project in Colombia wilden gaan doen. [lees meer]

PDAM Tirtawening Kota Bandung: Mobile Treatment Plant
Being denied both our first options for minors in Delft, we went looking elsewhere. With a stroke of luck we came across the opportunity to go to Bandung in Indonesia for our minor provided by Bas Heijman, which we took with great enthusiasm. In the end, the experience of having to adapt to a completely different attitude to everything, has enriched us with many great experiences. We would like to thank the Marc van Eekeren fund greatly, for partially funding our project and making this experience possible for us financially. [lees meer]
Biomonitoring in man-made systems in the Kyaukse area, Myanmar
This research is done as part of the free minor project of the bachelor programme at the TU Delft. Myanmar is a fast developing country when it comes to water management. This fast development can cause degradation in the water quality of the waterways. To investigate the water quality of the waterways, biomonitoring was introduced. Biomonitoring is an attractive tool to indicate the health of a waterway, because it is inexpensive and easy to perform. Biomonitoring uses indication species, macroinvertebrates, to indicate the water quality. Macroinvertebrates are small insects without backbone and visible to the naked eye. Biomonitoring was performed by using three different methods, namely MiniSASS, The Australian Method and The Asia Foundation. [lees meer]

Drinkwaterzuivering installatie PDAM Kota Bandung
Het was half November en de Nederlandse winter begon aan te breken. Een mooi excuus om ons landje te verlaten en het wat warmer te gaan zoeken in Indonesië, om daar met onze kennis bij te dragen aan de verbetering van  de drinkwaterzuivering installatie PDAM Kota Bandung.
Nadat we aangekomen waren in Bandung, werden we gelijk ontvangen en op pad genomen door Markus, ook een civieler die hier al een paar maandjes verbleef. Zo wees hij ons op een studentencomplex waar veel studenten van ITB (Institute of Technology Bandung) verbleven. Hier hebben we zowel internationale als Indonesische studenten leren kennen waar we gedurende ons verblijf veel mee zijn opgetrokken. [lees meer]

Waterzuivering Makassar, Indonesië
Afgelopen jaar besloot ik mijn minor zelf samen te stellen (ik ben derdejaars student Civiele Techniek). Via professor Heijman van de afdeling Sanitary Engineering, en zijn contactpersoon professor Garsadi kreeg ik de kans om een waterzuivering project te doen in Makassar, Indonesië. Het doel van het project was een capaciteitsvergroting  van de plaatselijke waterzuivering van 1000 l/s naar 1600 l/s. En zo kwam het dat ik 4 maanden later in een Boeing 777 met bestemming Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi zat om daar van eind november tot eind januari te werken aan het project. [lees meer]
Copyright ©2017 TU Delft, sectie Sanitary Engineering, All rights reserved.

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