
VOL 15  ISSUE # 2  January 31, 2016 

In This Issue:

  • Global Learning Teacher Fellowships
  • Farmers Markets
  • Local Food Promotion
  • Broadband
  • Youth Service Micro-grants
Global Learning Teacher Fellowships

The National Education Association Foundation is accepting applications for its 2018 Global Learning Fellowship program. By participating in the Global Learning Fellowship program, educators have an opportunity to lead the profession by acquiring the skills needed to integrate global competence into their daily classroom instruction, advance pedagogy in their school/district, prepare students to thrive in the flattened global age, and thus contribute to the closing of the global achievement gap. Through online courses and webinars, workshops, and a nine-day field study, the program offers educators twelve months of professional development opportunities as they cultivate global competence skills and build global lesson plans that are shared with educators around the world. Over the course of a year, fellows are supported by NEA Foundation staff, partners, and other field experts.

Farmers Markets

The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) grants are designed to increase domestic consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets by developing, improving, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to, or assisting in the development, improvement, and expansion of domestic farmers’ markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agri-tourism activities, and other direct producer-to-consumer market opportunities.  Businesses, cooperatives, economic development corporations, cities and counties are eligible for this opportunity. 

Local Food Promotion

The Local Food Promotion Program offers grant funds with a 25% match to increase domestic consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets, by: developing, improving, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to Local and Regional Food Business Enterprises, or assisting in the development, improvement, and expansion of Local and Regional Food Business Enterprises.


The Community-Oriented Connectivity Broadband Grant Program (Community Connect Grant Program) is designed to provide financial assistance to provide service at the Broadband Grant Speed in rural, economically-challenged communities where broadband service does not currently exist. Grant funds may be used to: (1) deploy service at the Broadband Grant Speed to critical community facilities, rural residents, and rural businesses, (2) construct, acquire, or expand a community center, and (3) equip a community center that provides free access to service at the Broadband Grant Speed to community residents for at least two years. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for entities to serve all premises in eligible rural areas at the Broadband Grant Speed to ensure rural consumers enjoy the same quality and range of broadband services as are available in urban and suburban communities.

Youth Service Micro-grants

The Karma for Cara Foundation promotes and supports youth voluntarism, k4C started a microgrant program in the fall of 2014 to encourage kids 18 and under to apply for funds between $250 and $1,000 to complete service projects in their communities. Examples of fundable projects include but are not limited to turning a vacant lot into a community garden, rebuilding a school playground, or helping senior citizens get their homes ready for winter.