Blessing Not Burden | January 19, 2017
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"I was a stranger, and you welcomed me."

2016 was a challenging year for many of us as we witnessed the most anti-immigrant election season in recent years. We were reminded how much misunderstanding exists about our broken immigration system. We heard the conversation surrounding immigration as a problem to be solved, rather than a blessing to be embraced. Despite all of this, together we accomplished so much. Over 1,200 of us took the pledge to change the conversation when immigrants are talked about as burdens. Almost 500 of us wrote to members of Congress to urge them to implement more just immigration policies. Close to 1,500 of us participated in Church Between Borders educational workshops and Blessing Not Burden events. Whether you shared a sign of how immigrants have blessed you, called your members of Congress, or hosted an event, we are grateful for your partnership in changing the conversation about immigrants.

As we transition to a new administration, we anticipate many changes and much uncertainty about the impact on our communities. We believe we are entering a time where we all need to go one step further. The Matthew 25 pledge is a U.S. Christian movement formed in response to threats of policies that will harm vulnerable people, particularly immigrants, Muslims, and people of color. Will you take this pledge?

“I pledge to protect and defend vulnerable people in the name of Jesus.”

As we hear of proposed policies that hurt the communities we pledge to protect in the name of Jesus, the Office of Social Justice will be in contact with ways you can take action. This could come as soon as tomorrow or Monday so we ask you to remain vigilant for updates. Together, as the body of Christ, we will defend the cause of the vulnerable.
