stanford center on poverty and inequality

News and Opportunities
Administrative Data Pilot Grant Competition

The CPI and Third Sector Capital Partners invite local governments in California, Oregon, and Washington to apply for services under a Social Innovation Fund grant. Grant recipients will receive assistance with data linkage and program evaluation for projects relevant to economic opportunity. Applications are due by February 17, 2017.
Request for Proposals: Food Insecurity Research

The University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research is soliciting proposals on food security using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Proposals are due by March 29, 2017.
Hearing on Evidence-Based Policymaking

The Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking will hold a public hearing in San Francisco on February 9, 2017. The hearing will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to present their views on using data to improve how government programs operate, while protecting privacy and confidentiality.

Featured Research
College Mobility Report Cards

Which colleges and universities are the most economically diverse? Which ones do the best job of helping children climb the income ladder? A new study by CPI research group leader Raj Chetty and his coauthors uses data on 30 million college students to analyze colleges as engines of upward mobility.

America’s Poverty Course
Unequal Childhoods

University of Pennsylvania professor Annette Lareau examines how parenting differs in poor and middle-class households in this five-minute video from our online course on poverty and inequality.

Talks and Events
Degrees of Freedom

The panel will highlight the ethical issues associated with providing college opportunities for currently and formerly incarcerated students.

Wednesday, January 25, Stanford Law School, Room 290, 5pm
Women in Tech

CASBS fellow Sapna Cheryan and CPI research group leader Shelley Correll examine where women have made progress in tech ... and where progress is stalled.

Tuesday, January 31, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 5:30pm
Race Talk Across the Disciplines

Four Stanford professors — Jonathan Rosa, Sylvia Yanagisako, Jennifer DeVere Brody, and CPI research group leader Matthew Snipp — talk about how they understand the terms “race” and “ethnicity” from their own disciplinary perspectives. 

Wednesday, February 1, Margaret Jacks Hall, Terrace Room, 12pm
Girls Coming to Tech

Iowa State University professor Amy Sue Bix analyzes how women gained entrance to the traditionally male field of engineering in American higher education.

Thursday, February 2, Paul Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex, Room 101x, 5:30pm
Experiments in Unconditional Basic Income

What happens when people are given cash with no strings attached? This panel will discuss recent experiments with a universal basic income, including the Y Combinator Research pilot study in Oakland.

Wednesday, February 8, Tressider Union, Oak Lounge, 5:30pm
Beyond the “English Learner” Label

Stanford professor Ramon Antonio Martinez discusses the importance of recognizing the richness of students’ multilingual repertoires.

Monday, February 13, CERAS Learning Hall, 12pm
Leveraging Economic Growth for Cultural Vitality

Risa Shoup, executive director of Fourth Arts Block, delivers the second talk in a lecture series exploring the role of artists, curators, gallery owners, and cultural workers in fostering an equitable and just city.

Thursday, February 16, Building 460, Margaret Jacks Terrace Room, 12pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Elfenworks Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation).

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