CfP: Migration Conference 2017, 23 - 26 August, Harokopio University
The annual Migration Conference intends to cover all facets of migration and invites paper proposals on the following topics: diaspora, identity and ethnicity, seasonal migrant workers, discrimination, inequality and xenophobia, citizenship and political participation, health and well-being, and adaptation, assimilation and acculturation. Scholars, experts, policy makers and PhD students are all welcome to apply.
Application deadline: 28 March, 2017 - More information
CfP: World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change, 30 October - 1 November, University of Manchester
The University of Manchester’s Migration Lab invites proposals for papers, workshops, exhibitions and performances which respond to and confront the relationship between migration and the various social, political, environmental and economic upheavals worldwide. Topics include forced displacement, asylum, labour migration, trafficking, diaspora, integration and citizenship and their relation to conflict, climate change, inequality and social transformation.
Application deadline: 30 April, 2017 - More information