Association of Black Cardiologists

ABC Members Publish State-of-the-Art Review on
Medication Adherence in JACC

The article, Improving Medication Adherence in Cardiometabolic Disease: Practical and Regulatory Implications, appears in the January 2017 issue of Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC). Keith C. Ferdinand, MD is the lead author of the report, joined by fellow ABC members Fortunato Fred Senatore, MD, PHD, Helene Clayton-Jeter, OD, Dennis Cryer, MD, Jack Lewin, MD and Samar Nasser, PHD, MPH, PA-C, (pictured below left to right).
The authors found that no single intervention has substantially altered medication adherence rates in the United States, and called for collaborative research to improve medication adherence among cardiovascular disease patients.

“Despite continued progress over the last several decades, cardiovascular disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States. One factor blocking greater progress in curtailing it is that only about 50 percent of patients with serious, chronic cardiovascular disease regularly take their life-saving medications long-term,” said Dr. Ferdinand.

Through their state-of-the-art review, the report’s authors identified four research areas that could reduce the burden caused by non-adherence among Americans: 1) identifying methods for monitoring adherence; 2) improving the evidence base to better understand adherence; 3) developing patient/health provider team-based engagement strategies; and 4) alleviating health disparities. 

To read the full text in Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 69, Issue 4, January 2017, view Improving Medication Adherence in Cardiometabolic Disease: Practical and Regulatory Implications
Copyright © 2017 Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc, All rights reserved.

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