Get Happy: 30 Day Challenge

Day 30: Make plans
Everyone likes something to look forward to.  It’s one of the reasons we’ve all spent most of this month looking and thinking about our next holiday post Christmas break!
It doesn’t have to be a holiday or weekend trip, it may be as simple as planning to catch up with an old friend, visit a place you’ve been meaning to go to or planning to do something you’ve been thinking about for a while now.  Having something booked in advance gives us something to look forward to, it also sets the wheels in motion and stops us procrastinating any further on whatever that is.
One of the planning exercises we should certainly include is what you’re going to do with what we’ve learned in the past 30 days.  How do you feel, what have you enjoyed the most and what will you do now?
Maybe there’s something over the last 30 days that’s struck a chord and grabbed your attention.  Perhaps you’d be keen to learn to meditate or start a new hobby, volunteer your time, get a regular yoga practice going or explore more of your local area and natural surroundings?  Maybe it’s bigger than that and you’ve had some insight on life changes you’d like to make or something you want to change.  Don’t let it stop here, this challenge is the catalyst for your year ahead so keep the ball rolling
Pick the top 5 things out of the list we’ve gone over for the last 30 days and make a commitment to continue to incorporate those 5 things into your day/week going forward, make it a habit, part of your routine.  This is where the rubber hits the road, it’s not what we do once as part of a challenge it’s what we continue to do every day that makes a difference to our life and our happiness.

So that's it!  Well done, you made it.  You did 30 days and that's the last of the challenge.  Would love to know how you found it, which bits resonated and out of the last 30 days what do you think you'll continue to do as part of your every day life?   Pick your top 5.  Share it with friends, you can access the full 30 days on the webpage so feel free to rerun the challenge at any stage maybe at your office or at home with the family

Keep an eye out over the next week or so as we reflect on the challenge and ways to take these principles forward beyond the last 30 days. 

Congratulations on getting to day 30 and thanks for taking part
Email me
Would love to know how you're doing on the challenge so far.  Which bits have you enjoyed the most?  Do you feel happier?  What one thing from this week do you think you'll take forward an incorporate as part of your daily routine?  Let me know I'd love to hear from you.
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