CampHacker Insider newsletter

CampHacker - summer camp consultantsCampHacker Insider newsletter
We will be sending out weekly emails to people interested in professional development in the summer camp industry.

This email is for CampPros.

Included in these emails will be:
  • practical marketing tips for camps
  • leadership training ideas
  • social media strategies for being your best online
  • links to the bi-monthly CampHacker audio podcast for summer camp professionals (and other special audio and video productions) 
  • Great resources to make your job simpler.
S.T.A.N.D. Leadership Program for Teens (and their Leaders)

S.T.A.N.D is our week-long leadership program designed for teens and young adults.  If you would like to receive resources and opportunities to bring S.T.A.N.D. to your camp please sign up for that newsletter on this form.
What is S.T.A.N.D.?

Each letter represents the daily lesson:

S - Social Graces, if you please
T - Take Responsibility for your own Actions
A - Ask Intelligent Questions
N - Never Miss an Opportunity to Pay a Kindness
D - Do All Things with Integrity

Thanks for signing up,

Travis & Beth Allison
* indicates required
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