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RTPP News: The Trump Revolution Begins. [President Trump + 11 days and counting]  
In this edition of RTPP news:

  1. Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, First Inaugural Address and "Oath of Allegiance to All Americans."
  2. RTPP February 2 meeting: The Trump Revolution Begins.
  3. Calendar of Patriotic and "Deplorable" Events.
  4. Our Active Patriot Activists. 
  5. Prayers for our Patriots Facing Personal Challenges.
  6. Take Action. 
  7. Truth in Textbooks.  Winning the Next Generation.
  8. Citizens for Safety and Emergency Preparedness (CSEP)
  9. Winning the "Culture War" by Using Our "2nd Vote."
  10. Great Videos, Articles and Memes.
  11. Tea Party Patriots principles.
  12. Redlands Tea Party Patriots online.
  13. Lost and Found.
1.  Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, First Inaugural Address and "Oath of Allegiance to All Americans" 

"The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans."  
President Donald J. Trump
Donald Trump's First Inaugural Address is his pledge of allegiance to all Americans and his "Declaration of Independence" for the second American revolution to restore the first American revolution.
"What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people."  President Donald J. Trump
Here is an interactive picture of the inauguration and the Yuuge crowd refuting the pictures shown by some MSM take hours before the inauguration.
For the video and full text of President Donald J. Trump's First Inaugural Address, please see:
Carolyn prepared a special commemorative copy of the President Trump First Inaugural Address to save and share.  Copies will be available at the meeting.
Please share the speech.  There are many Americans who get their "news" from the MSM or social media who will like President Trump's speech and plans if they hear or read his inaugural address unfiltered.

Let's all do help President Trump Make America Great and Greater Than Ever Before.


2.  RTPP February 2 meeting: The Trump Revolution Begins
**"WHAT I SAW AT THE REVOLUTION:" IE Patriots Jackie Siefferman, Kathy Ponce, Agnes Gibboney, Linnie Drolet, Judi Neal and Grace Germany who attended President Trump's inauguration.
**WEST WALKER, Chair of CA For Trump; Trump Campaign Field Operations re: how we can help President Donald Trump keep the revolution going and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. [Via Skype]
**Lt.Col. ROY WHITE of TRUTH IN TEXTBOOKS on getting more truth into California's new textbooks.  [Via Skype]
**JAN LEJA, newly elected President of the San Bernardino Rep Party Central Committee on making the San Bernardino Rep Party useful and relevant.
**BILL GILANE, leader of the Redlands Tea Party Patriots Advisory Committee, on making the Redlands Tea Party Patriots greater than ever before.
**ANTHONY CAMARGO and GINA MACISAAC founders of YOUNG AMERICANS for FREEDOM at Univ. of Redlands re: their first program of 2017 with Ben Shapiro.
**And more …
When and where: February 2, 7:00 pm, Mill Creek Cattle Co., 1874 Mentone Blvd., Mentone.
Our meetings are free and open to the public and, as always, offer fun and fellowship with fellow Patriots.  And, Mill Creek Cattle Co. is a great place for dinner, great food at reasonable prices with great service.
Please post and share our Facebook event page. 
It is always good to invite guests to our meetings, and this meeting is an especially good meeting for inviting guests.

3.  Calendar of Patriotic and "Deplorable" Events.
To shorten the newsletter, we are posting the Calendar of Patriotic and Otherwise "Deplorable" Events on our website for viewing and downloading as a PDF file.
If you want your Patriotic or otherwise "Deplorable" event in our calendar, please email Cabinet@RedlandsTeaParty.net

4.  Our Active Patriot Activists. 
So many IE Patriots are doing so many good things, here are a few examples:
January 10, IE Patriot activists attended city council meetings in Rialto and Victorville to successfully push back against those cities becoming sanctuary cities.  Here are some of those who attended Rialto.

January 24, IE Patriot activists attended a city council meeting in Claremont that lasted until ~1:00a [followed by the after party at Norm's].  Despite being heavily outnumbered by leftist students from "We Indoctrinate U," the city council merely adopted a vague resolution "reaffirming city values" and by only 3-0 with 2 abstentions.
January 28, Redlands Tea Party Patriots held our first #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Rally to Support President Trump. 

January 29, Robin Hvidston led her 10 We the People Rising activists into the belly of beast, LAX, to counter 20,000+ raging leftists protesting President Trump's order to temporarily block immigration and refugees from countries with endemic Islamic terrorism until they can be adequately vetted.  

Here are Robin and We The People Rising surrounded by 20,000 raging leftists.

Robin Hvidston's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lekNSqnWQgI

Even if we are outnumbered, 20,000 to 10 Patriots, that is better than 20,000 to 0.
5.  Prayers for our Patriots Facing Personal Challenges.

We need to look after our own.
**Redlands Tea Party Patriots' great webmaster Henry Vanderleest, has been slowly recuperating at home had to go back to the hospital.
**Ellen Egan and Shirley Bellue are temporarily out of the fight while they overcome personal health issues. 
**We don't know them, but three San Diego patriots, Sean Arevalo, Terrance Crow, and Scott Perett, are being prosecuted for "hate crime" after being attacked by Somali refugees in “Little Mogadishu” in San Diego by a leftist DA eager to prosecute Donald Trump supporters and curry favor with the Muslim refugees by enforcing Sharia law in San Diego.  The three men cannot afford private attorneys and collectively they have 13 children.  They face many years in prison.
Please keep them in your prayers.  This also shows the need to recruit the next generation of Patriots. 

6.  Take Action.
**Tell President Trump you support his efforts to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain and specifically to keep America safe from Islamic terrorism.  https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact
**Sign the petitions to support President Trump's nominees at:
**Sign up for We The People Rising emails by emailing RobinHvidston@WeThePeopleRising.com for more activist opportunities.  If you are not ready to face 20,000 angry leftists, perhaps you can attend a city council meeting to oppose the city being a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants. 
**Attend Redlands City Council meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month and tell the council what you think of their "sustainable" plans to run 58 trains/day through Redlands and build "stack and pack" apartments at the train stations.  6:00, 35 Cajon Street, Redlands.
**Attend the next #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Rally to Support President Trump, February 25, 4:00 at Alabama and Lugonia, Redlands.
**Share our Facebook posts and tweets.
**Join Truth in Textbooks [see below].

7. Truth in Textbooks [formerly Truth in Texas textbooks].  Winning the Next Generation.

In making America great again and keeping her great, winning the next generation is as or more important than winning the next election.  
He who controls the past controls the future.  He who controls the present controls the past.”  George Orwell
At our February 2 meeting, Lt.Col. Roy White will tell us how he and 50 volunteers got more truth in Texas textbooks and how we can do the same for the new California textbooks.
Examples of the 1500+ "errors" Truth in Texas Textbook volunteer Patriots found: 
  • America is a Democracy vs. a Constitutional Republic with a "living, growing" Constitution.
  • "Climate change" -- only one side of the issue presented.
  • No mention of Islam when discussing 9/11.
  • Russia won the space race and no mention of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
  • Praises Gorbachev for bringing down the Berlin wall without mentioning Ronald Reagan's "small" contribution.
  • The Great Depression was caused by unequal distribution of wealth.
To learn more, see http://TruthInTextbooks.com

Volunteers will work at home in teams of four.  The team members may be in different cities or states.  You do not need special education or training.  If you can read and love America, you are qualified.  To volunteer for this very important project, email TNT@ACTforAmerica.org 
Online training begins February 1, although the sessions will be recorded so you can join the program after February 1.

8.  Citizens for Safety and Emergency Preparedness (CSEP).

A new group organized by Patriots from Oathkeepers and Redlands Tea Party Patriots holds its second meeting, February 21, 6:30 pm, Bob's Big Boy 540 Sandalwood Drive, Calimesa, CA 92320. 
CSEP will meet third Tuesday of each month and will offer hands-on training in the essentials of personal safety and emergency preparedness. 
Fred Frontino, will cover the basics of prepping for major events and what is necessary to have on hand to effectively survive. He will cover what some of the more realistic possibilities are and how to avoid many of the pitfalls that many people make.  He will also cover how to be prepared psychologically when the unthinkable becomes reality. Attendees will be given a list of resources where they can learn more.
The meeting is free and open to all citizens in our communities including members of Oathkeepers, Redlands Tea Party and other patriot groups who want to learn more about emergency medical and disaster preparedness.
When the emergency or disaster strikes, it is too late to prepare or train.
For more info email carhays@yahoo.com or clearn4@yahoo.com 
And join the Facebook page:

 9.  Winning the "Culture War" by Using Our "2nd Vote." 
Where and how we spend our money is our "2nd vote."  Use it well to help win the Culture War.  Read more at: http://redlandsteaparty.net/RTP/winning-the-culture-war-by-using-our-2nd-vote/  and https://www.2ndvote.com/
Just last week, Chili's cancelled a Planned Parenthood fundraiser. 

10.  Great Videos and Articles.
--President Donald Trump's Executive Actions [just thru January 27]

--Why Good Teachers Want School Choice
https://www.prageru.com/courses/political-science/why-good-teachers-want-school-choice  [Our own Chuck and Maggi Brummett's daughter, Rebecca Friedrichs, made this wonderful Prager U video.]

--NYT Hides Global Warming Data.

--Conservatives Salute Martin Luther King for Upholding the Constitution and America's Founding Principle That All Men Are Created Equal

--Immigration iFA(i)Q [(in)Frequently Asked (inconvenient) Questions]


11. Tea Party Principles.
The Redlands Tea Party Patriots is an all volunteer group of dedicated patriots committed to protecting and restoring the freedom and opportunity for you and your children and grandchildren to pursue the American dream through: 
  • Personal Freedom and Constitutionally Limited Government.
  • Economic Freedom with Opportunity for All and Favoritism for None.
  • A Debt-Free Future through Fiscal Responsibility Today.

12. RTPP Online.
www.RedlandsTeaParty.net and
The Informed American http://tia.redlandsteaparty.net/an/
https://www.facebook.com/groups/RedlandsTeaPartyPatriots/ [group discussion page]
https://www.facebook.com/RedlandsTeaPartyPatriots/ [organization page]
Twitter: @RedlandsTParty
Instagram: redlands_tea_party_patriots [
Redlands Tea Party Patriots YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbdRHvf7LteBtiPDwU2oB7w  or http://redlandsteaparty.net/RTP/rtpp-video-gallery/


13.  Lost and Found.
We have an American flag and a flashlight left at our November rally at Alabama and Lugonia in Redlands.  If you lost them, contact Greg@RedlandsTeaParty.net 909.327.8813 to claim them.
The most important political office is that of the private citizen.” Justice Louis D. Brandeis
We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.”  Ronald Reagan
I never worry about action, but only inaction.”  Winston Churchill
If there is something about government you don’t like, get together and do something about it.”  Howard Jarvis
It is always too soon to give up.” Pastor Jack Hibbs
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."  Edmund Burke


Copyright © 2016 Redlands Tea Party Patriots, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 126, Redlands, CA 92372

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