UPON THE SHADOWtells the stories of some people from the Tunisian LGBT movement with all the difficulties they have to face every day.
We discover the mysterious side of Amina Sboui (former Femen) and her daily life. Her friends of the LGBT community, who live at her home, have been rejected by their families and the society. Through out Amina, we dive into their stories: Sandra (transvestite), Ramy (gay), Ayoub (gay), Atef (gay and transvestite). Many unexpected events keep coming and caught live…
“What prompted me to do this documentary is that unfortunately the Tunisian society is homophobic. It is very difficult to grow and protect your sexual freedom in a society where it is taboo or strongly disparaged. In Western societies, homosexuals claim rights to marriage and adoption. In Tunisia homosexuality is prohibited. Since 1913, the Article 230 of the Tunisian Penal Code punishes sodomy between consenting adults, therefore homosexuals risk the prison! Tunisia has a real homosexual community, it represents 10% of the Tunisian population. The rights of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transexuals ) do not exist in Tunisia! The fact to take in an Arab-Muslim society is very difficult, it is seen with suspicion being too effeminate and too overexposed. Some are victims of hate crimes and are not protected against attacks that can be made, sometimes in the street by their fellow citizens.Homosexuals are then taken with suffering, distress and very deep loneliness”.
Nada Mezni Hafaiedh (1986) was from an early aged exposed to different cultures due to her diplomatic parents. Saudia Arabia , USA, France, Canada represents a pool of developments of her passion for cinema. Graduated from School of cinema in Montreal, she opened her production company to write and direct several projects which will be fast appreciated by the canadian community. On her return in her country of origine, Tunisia in 2009 , she decided then to write her first feature film. What is more intense than producing a map of Tunisian society: Hekayat Tounisia 2010 (Tunisians stories). Upon the Shadow (Au-delà de l’ombre) wants to express how much difficult is to grow and protect your sexual freedom in a homophobic society where it is taboo or strongly disparaged.