Greater Nashville Christian Legal Society
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Two things:

First, Our next meeting is Thursday, February 16th.   John Kea II, Chapter President for our CLS chapter, Vice President and General Counsel for the Southern Baptist Foundation and Chris Kelly, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the Tennessee Baptist Foundation  will present "Charitable Giving Tips and Tools for Attorneys".

We will also be discussing officer rolls for 2017.  We need some new folks with fresh ideas who are interested in serving.

We are at our normal location of 901 Commerce Street, Nashville.  As always, we will meet at noon and its a "brown bag lunch".   Remember, if the gate to the parking lot is closed, just let Security know, through the microphone at the gate, that you are there for CLS.

On behalf of the officers, we all  hope you can make it!

Second, you may not have seen today's news, but Chief Federal Judge Sharp is reportedly resigningIf you have any suggestions as to someone who shares the values of CLS and would be a good replacement for Judge Sharp or Judge Campbell, please let us know.  No, we're not kidding.  If you have a good suggestion, we have a real opportunity, through CLS, to have that recommendation considered. So, if you have a recommendation, let me, or one of the John Kea know.

In Him,
Zale Dowlen
Secretary Greater Nashville CLS

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