Welcome to PR Chatter, your weekly resource for PR and social media trends, best practices and what's next.
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Focus on the Whats
I recently heard Dave Fleet (@davefleet) speak about PR and social media trends and can't get one of his ideas out of my head. Of course, I wanted to share it with you! Dave suggested that we need to focus on the whats:
  • What are we doing?
  • So what?
  • Now what?
Short and simple, right? I love it because reminds us to maintain a laser-like focus on what we're doing, where we're going and how we're going to get there.

And, now on to this week's selection of articles. If you see an article that you think should be included, feel free to email me.

Show me the Money

... The social media money, that is. "Public relations and marketing professionals often struggle with identifying ways to monetize social media influence. If your brand or corporation hasn’t quite cracked that code, start by letting social media save you some money." Digital Royalty offers three ways social media can help companies save money.

Facebook's Nonprofit Resource Center

Facebook has taken another step in helping nonprofits use social media by launching a new resource center. Per Mashable: "Facebook is launching a resource center to help non-profits use the social network. The site will include educational materials, tutorials and a downloadable non-profit guide geared toward raising awareness and funds for causes specifically through the social network."

9 Ideas for Sharing Photos on Twitter

Last week, Twitter announced a new photo-sharing partnership with Photobucket. While online photo sharing is fun, businesses should apply some strategy behind what they're sharing. Or, as Peter Shankman puts it, "It’s time for businesses to start getting serious about using photos if they’re using Twitter. The following are best practices on how to do just that." Read his tips here.
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