You are worthy of love and value as you are.

Right now - without having to do or change anything about yourself.
Worthy and Beloved of the Universe.
As you are.


I see you. I know it’s true. I will remind you when you forget.
(Reminding you helps me remember too.)

I am the High Priestess of Holy Sh!t.
Animist, Author, Anamchara.
A Beloved Presence with you as we walk together in wholiness.

Welcome to Beloved Presence.


There is only love a inclusion.

After half a century this is the only thing that I know for sure is true. It's the framework through which I filter all knowledge and experience: is it loving and inclusive?

Anything else is just bullshit.

Every problem at it's source, is believing we are disconnect from Creation, the natural world, each other and ultimately from ourselves.

Every solution is coming back to recognize wholiness in all things.


It sounds like a tall order, but it's the natural state of our being.

I am a student and teacher on this spiritual path. The only thing I know with any certainty is my own experience and I share it to help you navigate your way in a world that sometimes behaves as if it's separate and antagonistic - but is fundamentally a loving, accepting whole.

It's helpful to be reminded of spiritual truths when the world around us appears to be operating on an auto-pilot of fear and superiority, cruelty and pain.

You are not alone in your sensitive loving heart.
We are here together to remind each other of the truth we've always known, in a world that often forgets.



My spirituality has taken on a distinctly Celtic lens after having an ancestral re-awakening.

I am actively reconnecting to Celtic culture, spiritual practices and communication with my ancestors. Reconnection has given me a sense of spiritual embodiment and belonging that has grounded me in a new way. Connecting to cultural roots is powerful.
10/10 would recommend.

Celtic culture and spirituality affirms the deepest beliefs I hold about being a spirit in a physical body in the physical world. The whole world is inspirited and is communicating love to us at every moment.

At the Beloved Presence we take that sh!t seriously. Our purpose and focus is to become adept at communicating with spirit in the physical world in all aspects of our life.

There are profound empathetic ways of knowing available to those willing to feel the truth of being alive on this planet.

It requires courage.

Feeling and living the truth of who we truly are means that we need to face all the ways that we're currently not being true.

That means feeling all the terrible feelings and accepting who we are and what we have allowed to be true.

I can't tell you it will all feel great.

I can tell you that it will all be worth it.

Your joy and peace and tenderness and love for yourself and for the wholiness of the world is worth it.

You are worth.

I'm worth it.

We can only do this work together.

My big face in your face. Helloooooo from the woods!!!
Through the free "Divine Reminders Library", blog posts, video, emails, courses and workshops I share my own process and journey of healing all the bullsh!t that has kept me from being a fully realized and empowered soul in a body on this planet.

Using transpersonal psychology, Bowen Family systems theory, A Course in Miracles, Byron Katie's "The Work", empathetic direct knowing and a variety of spiritual modalities, I offer tools and support for those desiring a deeper connection to their own spiritual wisdom and how to complete that connection in the world to create a more peaceful and loving life for themselves and those around them.

I don't promise that it will be easy. But I promise that it will be worth it. 

You matter.
You are valuable.
You are loved unconditionally.
You are accepted exactly as you are.

The Universe itself is incomplete without you.



My website and emails will contain swears... like
f*ck and sh!t and all kinds of f*cking sh!t like that. 

If you consider this inappropriate or offensive - please don't subscribe. 

I am not for you. 
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