Welcome to the WHPC July 2018 newsletter!
We are now taking some downtime after a successful ISC conference. For those of you who joined us in Frankfurt, we hope you had a fun and productive conference. We were thrilled by the support of the community at both our workshop and our evening reception. We also had the chance to talk with the community about microaggresion for the first time, and we will be building on this at ISC 2019.
But SC18 is just around the corner! The call for participation and abstracts for the 9th International WHPC Workshop is now open. Encourage your early/mid career colleagues to submit an abstract (and get them to encourage you!). Full details below.
Finally, this month we are delighted to announce that our Pilot Chapters and Affiliates Program is now underway. To find out more click below.
WHPC Workshop Call for Submissions Open Through August 1
As part of the women in HPC workshop at SC18, we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the community as a short/lightning talk. Take the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them. After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their talk and and associated materials before the workshop. Submissions for talks are invited as extended abstracts (maximum 500 words) in any area that utilizes high performance computing.
WHPC Launches Chapters and Affiliates Pilot
WHPC is delighted to announce the successful start of the WHPC Chapters and Affiliates Programme Pilot. The programme provides a vehicle through which WHPC can share its knowledge and expertise, help tailor activities, and develop diversity and inclusion goals suitable to the needs of local HPC communities. During the pilot, WHPC will work with chapters and affiliates to support and promote the work of women in their organizations, develop crucial role models, and assist employers in the recruitment and retention of a diverse and inclusive HPC workforce.
For WHPC this is a crucial step towards helping regions develop the methods and activities to diversify their local communities, and reach beyond the audience of the major conferences. Our pilot chapters and affiliates have been selected to represent the variety of groups and organizations that we hope to engage with in the future, from pan-continental to the smallest research groups. The charter Chapter and Affiliate organizations include:
Calcue Québec
We look forward to working with all of these groups to shape the future of a Chapters and Affiliates program that works for everyone, helping to bring the vision, mission, and goals of WHPC to the international HPC community.
US National Academies Release Report on Sexual Harassment
The United States National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine jointly released a consensus study report entitled “Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine” last month. While women have made notable gains in academic sciences, engineering, and medicine over the past two decades, further progress “is jeopardized by the persistence of sexual harassment and its adverse impact on women’s careers in our nation’s colleges and universities.”
The report categorized sexual harassment into three types: gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. The latter two categories are widely recognized as unacceptable and are on the decline, but gender harassment, in which verbal and/or nonverbal behaviors “convey hostility, objectification, exclusion, or second-class status about members of one gender,” is still pervasive. The report includes evidence-based recommendations academic institutions and departments can implement that will address the shortcomings in policy and culture that allow sexual harassment to continue.
Opportunities in HPC
Make sure you stay in touch with what WHPC is doing each month between newsletters.
Last month’s posts:
If you are looking for your next opportunity, be sure to keep an eye on the WHPC Resources page, where we list new job opportunities in the HPC sector from around the world.
Open Positions:
Associate Project Manager – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
HPC Storage Systems Engineer – NERSC, California, USA
Technical Program Manager/Senior Technical Program Manager – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
HPC Systems Engineer III – Storage – National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA
Assistant Research Programmer | Research Programmer | Senior Research Programmer – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
Research Computing Facility Service Manager – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
System Engineer/Senior System Engineer – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
Storage Software Engineer – NERSC, California, USA
Chief Security Officer – NERSC, California, USA
Post doc in Theoretical Molecular Physics – University College London, UK
Industry Analyst – Intersect360 Research Industry Analyst, Sunnyvale, California, USA (with the opportunity to work remotely)
If you are keen to recruit a diverse set of individuals to your team, we are currently offering free advertising on the WHPC website and sending relevant job postings to our members.
WHPC does not directly endorse any of these advertisements, nor do we receive any funding for advertising. Our aim is simply to put prospective employers in contact with prospective employees .We take no responsibility for the contents of the adverts or any inaccuracies.
Just the Facts
This is the Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) members newsletter. If you would like to join WHPC and receive this newsletter in your inbox each month and get first access to our events you can join online for free.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or items you would like to include in future newsletters please contact us at info@womeninhpc.org. We are particularly interested in hearing from event organisers or programmes that are looking to recruit women and would like to have their information shared in the Opportunities section of our newsletter.
Previous WHPC newsletters are available on our website.