Hi <<First Name>>

Do you ever ask yourself insidious questions like:
"Why can't I figure out this money/career/relationship thing?"

I did too, until very recently.  I  would focus on what was wrong in my life and then work like hell to fix it.  If my personal life was going great, I'd worry about how my professional life was dead in the water, and if my career was humming along, I'd wonder why I couldn't heal a relationship in my personal life.   Unfortunately, with this method,  I became an expert problem finder, rather than solution finder.  

One day, I turned to my dear friend and Vedic meditation teacher, Mark Price, for advice, and his answer blew my mind.
-- "I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.  What the heck am I doing wrong?"
--  "It's not about finding better solutions, it's about asking better questions."
--  "Mark, I love you, but you lost me with your Vedic woo-woo speak."."
--  "Sarah, it's not woo-woo . It's science!  Ask any neurologist and they will tell you. The brain is a natural problem solver and will look for evidence to prove whatever hypothesis you bring to it.    So, if you ask the brain a deficit based question like, "Why can't I ever seem to make enough money as an artist?", your brain will assume the underlying belief is true, in this case that you are incapable of making enough money, and then it will show you all the reasons why you can't succeed and never will."
--  "Change your questions. Change your life?  It can't be that simple, Mark."
--  "Sarah,  I'll leave you with this.  The Vedic teachings tell us that the quality of someone's life is determined by the kind of questions they are asking."

On the way home, I had a startling thought.  WHAT IF MY LIFE JUST WORKED?  It landed like a thunderbolt in my heart.  What if it did?  What if I stopped working so hard and finally allowed my whole life to just work?  What if there was nothing to fix? What if life was to be enjoyed rather than solved? What if it was safe to be happy now? 

I tell you. in one week,  almost by magic, a crazy amount of good shit started pouring into my life.  A regional theatre director found me through my website and requested a video audition for my dream show.  Another acclaimed Broadway director asked me to perform in a reading of a new play. I booked a featured role on a hit Netflix show (info TBA) and then to top it all off, my wife won a dinner for two at the James Beard House!  

It makes you wonder doesn't it?  What would the world look like,  if we all started asking better questions?

I hope you enjoy my musings and thanks for being part of my tribe! 
Here to record Oscar Lopez's wonderful play, "The Village," compiled from first hand narratives regarding gay life in the West Village . LT-RT: Me, Scott Robertson, Kita Updike, Willam Liam Mulligan, Director- Hannah Ryan, J Harrison Ghee, Stage Manager- Megan Smith, AD- Adam Daniel Koren, Writer- Oscar Lopez, Co-producer- Sam Clark. Also in the cast- Anthony Lee Madina
Thought for the day

Why is it so easy 
for life to just work?
To learn more about creating better questions, click photo for info about this recommended book 
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