
Jillian and I are excited to announce...

We're moving!

During the past 6 months God has brought our attention to our neighbors in the town of Pierrefonds, about a 15 minute drive from where we currently live. More specifically, God has given us compassion for those in Pierrefonds who are living in Quebec’s largest public housing co-op called Cloverdale. While 15 minutes doesn't sound very far, it is far enough that we have felt like we've been ministering from a distance. The more we've invested into this area, the more we've felt both a desire and a calling to move right into the neighborhood.

It's worth sharing how God brought this all together so you can see how awesome He is. A few weeks ago, I (Jillian) was praying that God would provide an apartment for us in this area. We had looked around a little to get a feel for what was available but it seemed like there weren't many options. Our current lease on our apartment isn't up until the end of November, so I wasn't praying this urgently but rather as a future prayer request for the coming months. Shortly after I prayed about this, I decided to see what was currently available for rent on Kijiji (Canada's version of Craigslist). I noticed a posting for a place about 5 minutes from Cloverdale. The only thing that stood out to me about this posting was that it was the exact location we had been wanting. The pictures and description provided little to no information but the price was in our budget and we decided it was worth at least checking out. When we called, we were surprised that the landlord said we could come take a look at it in an hour. We drove over and were surprised. We LOVED it. It was in our budget, had the space we needed, and most importantly was right in the neighborhood where we feel God wants us. There was this undeniable peace in both of our hearts. We explained to the landlord that we would need to find someone to transfer our current lease over to before moving in. We asked her if she would be so kind as to wait until September for us so that we would have a full two months to ensure we'd find someone. To be honest, I didn't think she'd say yes. But clearly, she did! She told us we "kept sticking out in her mind" and that she wanted us to have the apartment. That night I posted an ad looking for someone to take over our current lease. And just NINE days later, we had someone sign to take it over starting September 1. We are truly blown away by how God orchestrated all of this and I hope by hearing it you see His glory!

We are excited that this move will place us within walking distance of the Cloverdale community which will allow for many more opportunities to serve this area as direct neighbors and share the gospel with those who don't yet know the living hope of Jesus.

As of September 1st we will be moving into our new apartment and will continue our ministry of evangelism, discipleship and church planting there just in time for a big kick-off of ministry efforts this Fall.

In fact, one of our friends and elders at Church 21, Brian Alton and his wife Judy, are moving from Montreal’s South Shore to work together in this community with us with his pastoral and counseling ministry! Check out his Facebook page here

Thank you all so much for your prayer and support! We look forward to updating you on this transition and expect lots of opportunities to share the Gospel in a very diverse setting.

Check out this video tour of our ministry via Google Earth!
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