News and views for Quakers in Britain: ecological transformation, webinars to build community, sustainability gathering and more. 
An update on the work of Britain Yearly Meeting and Quakers in Britain
July 2018
As Quakers, we understand climate change to be a symptom of a greater challenge: how to live sustainably and justly on this earth. In 2015 Pope Francis reached a similar conclusion, calling for "swift and global action" on climate change in Laudato si.  After a recent follow-up event for faith and community groups at the Vatican held in preparation for UN climate talks later this year, Paul Parker reflects on what progress has been made so far – and what remains to be done.
Campaigns like Meat Free Monday have brought an awareness of the environmental impact of meat eating to a wide audience. But, following recent research into the meat and dairy industry's impact on the planet, should more people go further? Inspired by the Quaker commitment to sustainability, Emily Dervišević shares her personal exploration, which takes her from pig farms in Eastern Europe to the restaurant in Friends House, London. 
Featured event: Sustainability Gathering
In 2011, Britain Yearly Meeting committed to becoming a low-carbon, sustainable community. This is the third national gathering to support Quakers and meetings in deepening and broadening this commitment. The gathering, taking place in Alfreton in October, will address some of the gaps we encounter and the links we seek to make as we work towards sustainability.
Find out more →
The Quaker Life Network (QLN) is hosting a series of online discussions to help Quakers nourish their communities. Each webinar will be a chance to share ideas and inspiration, and topics range from spiritual nurture within meetings to building an all-age community. Many members of the network are Quaker role holders but anyone who is interested can join. To take part in a webinar, sign up via the latest QLN email.
Quaker stories
“Our aim has been to create a safe, welcoming space for new and expectant mums seeking asylum to forge relationships and seek support around birth and parenting, both from each other, and from qualified professionals. The importance of this cannot be underestimated, as these mums are isolated from their families, communities and cultures, facing their journey into motherhood alone.”
- Joanna Doherty
Read the full story →
Amid the noise around the visit to Britain of the president of the United States, Quakers in Britain are asserting that “humanity needs leaders of integrity and conscience, ready to be held to account by individuals and institutions, national and international".
Upcoming events
Throughout the 1990s Marigold Bentley travelled across Europe facilitating sessions for peace, a "walking workshop" equipped with paper, tape and pens. In recent years she wondered whether she still had it in her to run a workshop 'from cold', with a group of people who might not be very interested in this work, or even potentially hostile. She recently got the chance to find out
Support the work
Britain Yearly Meeting works on behalf of all Quakers in Britain to strengthen the Quaker community, speak out in the world and promote peace, justice, equality and sustainability. You can support this work by giving money or time.
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Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
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