The Vanning Family Update
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For our anniversary, originally we planned to eat at Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar because, chocolate. But when we arrived the line was way too long so we walked around and found this Hawaiian Burger shop, Kua 'Aina. Delicious. 

July 2018

Gospel Opportunity


Thank you for your prayers for Miss Martha Cochran's funeral. It was a blessing to be a part in the rejoicing of her home-going. It was my first Japanese funeral bone ceremony, a jarring event for me. I've never experienced anything quite like it. Even in death the community mindset of the Japanese culture is clearly pictured. 

Nozomi and I have multiple opportunities this summer to publicly teach the truth of the Gospel. Please pray for wisdom and grace to teach the Christians and non-Christians the glorious Gospel and the hope and strength it brings to our everyday lives. 

Nozomi and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. Thanks to Momoko and Maki watching our kids, we were able to go out on a date for the first time alone since we've been in Japan. We hope to go out together more regularly from now on.

Pray for me as I continue in my Japanese studies. I've been able to communicate with others much better lately. Today, I am putting finishing touches on my Japanese testimony and will be sharing it multiple times this summer. Pray as I also prepare a short 10 minute devotional in Japanese for one of those same opportunities.

Keep praying for the kids. They are still struggling and pushing back against us lately. I'm not sure what to do at times but pray. Only God can change their hearts and give them peace. 

Taishi and Emi just participated in their first piano recital! They both did really well and didn't seem to get nervous at all. They both love playing the piano and we have to ask them to stop playing at times.

Kensei hasn't had any progress with his eyes since the last visit. Part of the problem is he's been battling with us about wearing his patches for 30 minutes a day. Pray there will be progress the next time we visit so we don't need surgery. Also, we need to get him new glasses.

We are still praying for Gospel-centered Christian friends and fellowship. We miss our community of believing friends in the US. Being away from them, I have come to believe that being part of a community who loves and encourages, prays and cares for one another is so important for any Christian to effectively grow and mature in their faith.

We are still praying about possibly planting an international church here in the West Makuhari area. We have no plans to be actively working toward any church plants until I can finish my Japanese language training. However, building relationships with those God has placed in our lives can be done. We already are meeting and connecting with neighbors, inviting some to our house for dinner.

Continue to pray for Christian unity here in Japan. The body of Christ is so divided here over preferences and traditions when it should be united over doctrine. Most Christians do not understand that we are the Church, not a building or meeting. Many think the Gospel is a get-out-of-hell-free ticket and fail to realize it is so much more. The Gospel is the power of God for the believer to live every day in the light. Please pray the Christians here will understand the importance of this and the significance of this for our everyday lives.

If you haven't already, take 7 minutes to watch our video about the need in Japan and visit our website here. If you would like to partner with us, please click on the "support" button or click here and sign up with a monthly pledge. If you would like to increase your monthly pledge amount, the easiest way is to call our mission board at 603-821-5232 so they can adjust your pledge amount over the phone. Let your friends know about our ministry by sharing our video or website on Facebook.

Thank you for your love and care for us. It is an honor to be working together with you to take the Gospel to the many lost in Japan.

Jared M. Vanning
Got to visit Taishi's class for a parent open house day. His class is large, 40 kids, I think. No AC in the building. Pray for him.
Nozomi's been visiting her ~100 year old grandfather regularly at the nursing home. He's unsaved. Pray for him. 
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