
Our Latest News!

July 30, 2018

Summer got off the ground quickly for my family and me. I've thrown some photos from our trip into this newsletter - like that one up top from East Pond at Belgrade Lakes, Maine. We had a wonderful time! 

The studio is bustling this summer. Thank you SO much for remembering to give us plenty (at least 24 hrs, more is appreciated) of notice if you have a change in your schedule. We have saved the time just for you! This is vital if you have a tower reserved at class. We'll have to charge you if we can't fill your space. And that makes us sad. 

Also, please note that all classes are going on now! Cameron will be gone from Qigong on Aug 8th (Wednesday), but back the following week. Megan is faithfully holding space every Thursday evening with Intentional Yoga - if you are interested in joining at any time, please send a quick message to let her know. ( I love teaching Dynamic Aging (Thursday mornings) as a super way to get more practice with all your alignment points. And Deb's kicked things up with her full Gyrotonic equipment class on Wednesday evenings! 

See you at the studio!

In this Newsletter:

"Megan's yoga class is such a great complement to my GYROTONIC practice."
Come try Intentional Yoga on Thursdays at 6:15pm to find out for yourself! 

Healing News

Body Fluency Workshops: COMING SOON!

We're so excited to announce a new program at Symmetry In Motion. Do you want to take your movement -- and your body -- to the next level?

You've heard Kelly say before that re-educating your nervous system is sometimes like learning a second, or third language. For real changes to take hold and become automatic, it is best to immerse your body and mind in the language of movement. Doing so takes time and resources but the result is that YOU are in charge of your health more than ever before. And eventually, you'll be able to "speak" the language automatically, without so much outside help.

So, how are you really going to immerse yourself in this language and dedicate to being FLUENT? 

This fall we will be offering day-long programs to go deeper into your body understanding. Upon completion, you will have stronger awareness and greater ability to makes changes in your everyday movements. Oh, and did we mention you will feel great?

Dates will be announced and depend on the level of interest. Space is limited to FOUR attendees at one time, from 10am to 5pm. Cost is $155. If you think this might be for you, let us know by clicking to respond below!
RSVP for Body Fluency

Writing News

In The Heat of Summer

Over the years, I have had to befriend summer and soften my feelings for what feels to me like a harsh season. My husband, on the other hand, loves summer. I think there are many reasons for this difference between us...continue reading...
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Earthing News


What is important in a mealtime? Pausing to nourish can be an act of reverence. All it takes is mindfulness.  
In a world were "multitasking" seems a necessity, can mealtime serve many purposes and maintain its sacredness? My family has found it easier when we break bread outdoors: one of our favorite ways to "earth" is to eat outside, and not just when we are camping. There is something very quieting and special about simple but tasty food eaten in a nature spot. 

With just a little planning, it often saves us time: less time spent cooking, less time spent finding and deciding on a restaurant to provide food, less time spent waiting for other people, less time spent cleaning up. MORE time together, more laughing, more breathing, more calming...doesn't food just TASTE better when consumed outside?

Peacemaking News

Did You Know...?

SIM decided to take a year off from advertising so publicity can be as authentic as possible, and about the experience. So far this year, ALL but 2 of our new students have come from word of mouth. Thank you so much for your referrals! Symmetry In Motion is growing its hours and teachers. We still have plenty of room for your friends and loved ones to come feel for themselves the difference Symmetry can make in their lives. 

Community programs:

Injury prevention for athletic teams
Workshops for school teachers: How To Bring Movement to the Classroom
Self-care Wellness Retreats
New Moon Drum Meditation
Full Moon Dance Parties
Events Calendar

From The Blog 

Summer Gym Membership: the beach

A walk on the beach.

It’s one of life’s greatest privileges and beach combing has incredible health benefits....

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Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you!

It's an honor and privilege to serve you. Please contact us with questions, comments and feedback, or for information on setting up appointments.

Symmetry in Motion Studio
7400 Morro Rd Ste A
Atascadero, CA 93422

Phone: 805.434.3258 or 650.483.1893
Located on California’s Central Coast, serving the North San Luis Obispo County in Our Studio or at Your Location.
Thank you for helping us keep Symmetry In Motion a fragrance-free zone!

GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC® & Logo, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® Method and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

Newsletter Design by Debra O. Star | Intuitive Consulting 
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