It was wonderful to be with the Bogotá RUF university students for their first-ever retreat! Such a blessing to be with them and to see what the Lord is doing among them.
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Dear friends,

Your encouragement, support, and prayers are such an incredible blessing to us. Thank you!

This note serves as a brief update - we'll get some more details out in the next few weeks. We want to mention just three things happening right now that need prayer (and praise!).
  1. At 11:00am Chile time today, Amy will be addressing a large gathering of Christian women in Santiago. The Lael conference is an annual gathering of Anglican women, and Amy gets to share about the reality of community rooted in our relationship to Christ. Please pray for her!
  2. I am writing from the Mexico City airport, en route to Guadalajara. Tomorrow the church plant we served in there, La Iglesia Cristo Rey Eterno, will be 'particularizing.' That's Presbyterian-speak for being constituted as an individual church under a local session of elders. We get to celebrate with them in this big step forward! (Yes, Amy will be there - taking the overnight from Santiago following her participation there today.) This church plant started as a prayer - one of our church members was praying for gospel proclamation in her neighborhood for years prior to our arrival. It was amazing to get to be part of it during our time in Guadalajara, seeing it grow and mature. Since we left in 2015, God has taken the church through many stages, and we're so grateful to see what he's done in our absence. 
  3. My direct supervisor and long-time mentor, Bill Yarbrough, has decided to transition into a training role with MTW. After an internal interview and selection process, I've been named the new 'International Director' for the Americas - a region covering all of Latin America, the Caribbean, and MTW's ministries to the 'First Nations' tribes in the US and Canada. We will officially make the transition of roles on September 1, but we're already working together to ensure that ministries and missionaries receive the best care possible. This is a lot of responsibility and a lot of opportunity to see the Kingdom of God continue to grow as he has promised it will. Please, please pray for us in this!
Thank you so much for your prayers! It's the most important thing you can be doing for us, and we feel the need for prayer now more than ever.

Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente.

With love,

Steve & Amy
Click here to support the Robertsons financially.
FAQ on the new role:

Steve, are you ready for this role? No. Please pray! And at the same time, we see how God has been at work, preparing us for this.

Does this mean you're going to live in the USA? No, as an organization we value having leaders who share the same cultural and ministry experiences as the people they serve. Longterm, our place is in Latin America. However, with the transition to the new role we do anticipate spending some time in the USA, most likely starting next spring.

What does an 'International Director' do? I'll have the opportunity to serve our missionaries throughout the Americas - seeking to care for their needs as well as encouraging us all forward in the mission and vision that God has given us. We have a great team of regional leaders throughout the Americas, and I'll have the opportunity to collaborate with them in prayer, planning, and leading. This will include traveling to different areas where we serve, seeking to open up new fields and ministry opportunities, serving alongside MTW senior leadership, and working as a liaison with different national leaders.

Does this mean you no longer need financial support? We will still need financial support. Most of our budget will remain the same, with the notable exception of travel funds. Those will now be something provided through other MTW funding.

After your time in the USA, will you return to Chile or go somewhere else in Latin America? At this point in time we don't know. We have been overwhelmed by the open doors to ministry that we've had in Chile. We've come to love it in ways that we weren't sure we could. Our plan right now is to continue living there, but we're holding onto that plan loosely and praying that the Lord would give us clear guidance.
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P.O. Box 744165
Atlanta, GA 30374-4165

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           Our mailing address is:
                  Steve & Amy Robertson
                  Avenida Borgoño 19700, #131
                  Concón, Chile 2510021

                  Steve (615) 916-7519/+56-94116-2476
                  Amy +56-94116-2478

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