
Exhibition Critique for this months Training Night.



For this month training night, you can bring along your images that you are thinking of display in the Blue angel Exhibition. Someone will sit down and give you their opinion of how your image will go and an idea of a sale price. Images can printed or on your computer and its not an open forum, its more one on one. There will be a number people to get an opinion from on the night. Digby will still be doing his image critique from 6-7pm. The exhibition critique starts at 7pm. So bring those images along and help support the Blue Angel Exhibition. 

6pm -  6:50pm: Group Critique with Digby.

7pm - 9pm: One on One discussion about your work.  A number of people will be located around the room for you to get their opinion and maybe help you with your selections for the Exhibition.

See you on Tuesday....

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