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MoorNEWS                             Summer 2018                                        Issue 23
Operation Firewatch
In response to the Tameside fires, the Peak District National Park Authority implemented Operation FireWatch in collaboration with the Moors for the Future Partnership in June. 

Staff from the National Park, partner organisations and volunteers were placed at moorland vantage points throughout the National Park to look out for fires. Read about one of our staff member's experiences of being on the fire-fighting frontline here.
Bog Day
It was International Bog Day on 22nd July and to celebrate we took the Bogtastic Van to National Trust Longshaw to show people how brilliant bogs are! 

Fun bog fact: did you know the ‘building-block’ of blanket bog, sphagnum moss, (there are over 30 species of sphagnum in the UK), can hold up to 20 times its own weight in water!
Gearing up for conservation
As the bird breeding season comes to a close, conservation works are gearing up again.  Depending on helicopter availability, the season will be kicking off with bracken spraying in Edale (Grindsbrook), and timber for wooden dams will be flown in the Derwent Valley.

Clough Woodland fencing will take place at Shatton Clough, in the Hope Valley, in readiness for tree planting in the autumn.
Curlew's calling

Preliminary findings from the first breeding bird survey on Peak District National Park moorlands for 14 years spell positive news for curlews. 

Surveyors wrapped up their operations at the end of June, and results are now being analysed. Initial outcomes suggest that curlew pairs have increased across the moors, which is great news for this declining bird.

Bogtastic Brontë bash!

The Bogtastic Van travelled to beautiful Howarth last week to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Emily Brontë’s birth as one of 15 unique events to mark our 15th anniversary.  Surrounded by the moors that are believed to have been the inspiration for Wuthering Heights, the Bogtastic Van felt right at home.

The van will also be heading to National Trust Longshaw and National Trust Lyme Park over the next few weeks to celebrate the summer holidays. Pop in and find out about brilliant blanket bogs!

Photo credit: Simon Warner
Keep up to date on where the Bogtastic Van is heading
Working in wild places: a chat with Tony Rogers
We caught up with Tony Rogers, one of our research and monitoring officers, to find out more about his time working on our wild and windy moors.
Read Tony's story

Summer of flying
Members of our team are flying high, as they got their unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys underway in July, to monitor the impacts of our conservation works on upland blanket bogs.

Find out more about the UAV

Going the extra (10) miles to heal the landscapes you love
Peak District National Park and Moors for the Future Partnership staff took part in the Dambusters 10 mile run around the Derwent Valley at the end of June. They were raising money for Mend our Mountains, a vitally important path restoration campaign.

Read more about the campaign
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