Using whiteboards to improve communication, CUSP to improve surgical outcomes, and more. 
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Welcome to the Summer 2018 edition of the Perioperative Quality Newsletter, a quarterly selection of articles on improving performance, quality, safety, value, and team culture. This month we look at the benefits of whiteboards in the OR, and a study linking team culture with surgical outcomes. 
William Levine, MD, Chair, Columbia Ortho
Michael Vitale, MD MPH, Vice-chair, Quality & Strategy
Kevin Wang, Director, Quality & Value
The Whiteboard Technique: Personalized Communication to Improve Operating Room Teamwork
Ketan et al's article explores how simple, timeless tools such as white boards helps simplify case flow, efficiency, involvement, and preparedness in a complex, high stress setting such as the OR.
Similar work has been explore in Orthopedics that has helped enable accountability and reduction in operative time and improving communication, such as alerts to the next team.  
Sustained Culture and Surgical Outcome Improvement
We're excited to share work from Pierre Saldinger, chief of surgery at NYP/Queens, who has used the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) as a platform to improve culture. Evidence-based strategies to improve safety, like CUSP, are key towards achieving better outcomes and have scalable benefits across children's hospitals, ICUs, and surgical teams. 
Association of Lowering Default Pill Counts in Electronic Medical Record Systems With Postoperative Opioid Prescribing 
Richard Thaler, Nobel-prize winning economist and best selling author of Nudge, has helped influence change management practices through principles of behavioral economics. One such practice is the use of defaults. Chiu et al found that by changing the postoperative opioid prescribing default in the EMR, they could reduce total opioid use without impacting patient outcomes. 
As part of our mission to improve quality, safety, and value, we are hoping to promote best practices by creating a high-performance network of spine surgeons and build a library of content, checklists, and pathways that we can share more broadly. If you or a colleague are interested in learning more, consider being S3P-certified or email to learn more. 
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