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Better. Faster. Stronger.

Happy Fourth of July and welcome to our new PSP newsletter! We will start sending these out periodically to give you some information about upcoming events and programs, as well as give some advice and tips on reaching your athletic potential!


Proehlific Sports Performance

Proehlific Sports Performance actively engages clients in the consistent pursuit of athletic fitness by teaching the fundamental skills needed to build upon to get to train at the next level. Executing our realistic and simple strategy will train you to improve athletic abilities and achieve your athletic goals. Our strategy emphasizes the following:


1. Nutrition
2. Strength Training
3. Speed

Upcoming Programs!

Sign Up Now!



Nutrition Workshop


Coach Blaze Thompson will be hosting a nutrition workshop for all PSP athletes and their parents. Learn all about the basics of nutrition and how to make healthy eating quick and easy! There will be 2 sessions which include Tuesday July 10th at 11am and Thursday July 12th at 6pm. Come join us!


This week, I'm giving you a simple strength training routine to use while you're on the go for summer.  If you have questions about this routine feel free to email. The video demonstration is below.


5 Rounds


10 inch worms with 2 push ups at the bottom

15 towel pull ups
30 lunges
25 situps
15 side plank lifts
100 jumping jacks

Travel Workout #1

This week we are focusing on arm action and running from "cheek to cheek". Coach Chris gives a few tips on how to how to perform this movement and practice on your own!

Arm Action Tips
The Competitive Edge

Why is Visualization Important to Athletes?


When athletes visualize or imagine a successful competition, they actually stimulate the same brain regions as you do when you physically perform that same action. Visualization in sports or mental imagery is a way of conditioning for your brain for successful outcomes.

Check out this article to learn more about why visualization works and how to use it to become a more successful athlete!


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