DREC Membership Sign Up Form 2021/22

Dorset REC is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee whose objects are:
- to work towards the elimination of racial discrimination; and
- to promote equality of opportunity, and good relations, between persons of different racial groups;
- especially in the boroughs/county of Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset

Members have the right to vote at a general meeting providing they have been a member for at least 3 calendar months.

- Are kept in touch with news and developments
- Can be elected to serve as a trustee on the committee
- Can vote at general meetings of the charity
- Can call the committee to account if unhappy with any of its decisions
- Guarantee to pay up to a maximum of £10 towards any unpaid debts if Dorset REC is wound up whilst a member, or within one year of their membership ending (this is normal for charitable companies)
Dorset REC would like to encourage you to be a member because it makes the committee legally answerable to you and it would demonstrate your support for what Dorset REC does.
Membership runs from 1st of April to 31st of March each year. Membership is free and open to individuals and organizations that support the above objects and apply to the Trustees on the form overleaf. Membership will only be refused if the Trustees consider it to be in the best interests of the charity.
If you wish to become a member, please fill in the form and your application will be considered at the next committee meeting
* indicates required
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