Our team at The Social Institute is thrilled to welcome social media coach EJ Proctor — a former pro soccer player, standout for Duke Women’s Soccer, and voice for millions of students who use social media positively.

As a social media coach, EJ will team up with Laura and Sean helping even more schools nationwide empower students, parents, and educators to use social media positively. 

Get to know EJ
Meet EJ
Q&A with social media coach EJ Proctor

TSI: So, why did you quit pro soccer to join our team?
I grew up with social media and I saw a lot of my friends struggle with the negative effects it can have on us. I even struggled with that. I joined The Social Institute to help coach students in ways to use social positively and affect others in positive ways so they do not experience the negative side of it. I love working and learning from students, especially with a tool that affects our world every day.
TSI: Tell us about a moment when you saw someone winning at social media.
A former teammate of mine (below) posted about being seriously injured, and how hard that is to deal with, rather than an inspirational post about overcoming injury. She was honest with how she felt, and at that time, she wasn’t feeling inspirational. 
TSI: Who is one positive role model you follow on social?
One of my high school friends (below) has been diagnosed with cancer and shares the most inspiring social media posts about her journey. Instead of asking why this happened to her, she lives her life embracing the journey and inspiring others.
TSI: How has social media impacted your life in a positive way?
I got my first interview at The Social Institute thanks to a thoughtful Instagram direct message. On a deeper level, when I announced on social I was giving up professional soccer, I felt love from people I’d never met and it made the transition much easier. 

TSI: Why is Instagram your favorite platform?
I spent most of my academic career studying visual media and social media, so Instagram gives me a lot to study and analyze. I think Instagram allows people to tell their own stories. 

TSI: What's your biggest piece of advice for kids using social media?
Treat social media and our followers how we treat people in our everyday life. Be kind, respectful, and open-minded. I always think about the younger people who follow me on Instagram and what example I’m setting for them. I want the parents of younger students to be happy they follow me and feel comfortable with their kids looking at any of my profiles, like my Instagram below.
TSI: What are you most looking forward to as a Social Media Coach?
I’m looking to do what I wish someone had always done for myself and my friends - coach us through one of the trickiest parts of young adulthood. I can't wait to team up with schools this coming fall. 
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Empowering teens to win at social media

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