Why and How We Need your
Unambiguous Consent

  1. Under terms of the GDPR, we need to have proof as to whether you wish for us to communicate with you occasionally when we have new stories on the BestStory.ca site that could be of interest to you. This privacy protection, in effect as of May 25, 2018, requires companies to obtain “unambiguous consent”  even for “non-sensitive data” such as the names and email addresses of any European Union (E.U.) citizens. 
  2. The GDPR has been ratified into law in the E.U.’s 27 countries. The United Kingdom, which has voted to leave the E.U., has nonetheless adopted the GDPR standards regarding privacy protection for their citizens. In total, the E.U. and U.K. have over half a billion citizens who are protected by the GDPR.
  3. Due to BestStory’s belief in the sanctity of privacy rights for citizens worldwide – as well as the fact that we do have readers in the E.U. – we have opted to abide by the terms and conditions of the GDPR, even though it is considerably tougher than the analogous privacy laws in the United States and Canada, where BestStory.ca is located.   
  4. So if you wish to give us permission to contact you occasionally with story updates, you must fill the three fields below: Email Address; First Name; Last Name. Under the headline "Your Permission", you need to tick the box titled, Email.
  5. Even if you opt now to receive new story notifications, there will be an “Unsubscribe” button included in each email we send you in the future – in case you change your mind and wish to stop receiving them. If and when you were to "Unsubscribe" at any time, your name and email address would be expunged from the database.
  6. This is a one-time-only permission form that has to be completed by you in order for BestStory.ca to have proof that we have respected your privacy rights under terms of the GDPR while processing your request to receive occasional story update notifications from us.
  7. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the fields outlined in Point No. 4 above if you wish for us to send you story update notifications in the future. 

Warren Perley – Editor, BestStory.ca

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www.beststory.ca will use your name and email information solely to provide you with updates when we have posted a new story on our site. BestStory.ca remains committed to original ad-free, long-form journalism and we shall not use your personal information for any purpose which is not related to story updates.

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