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"It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults" - F Douglass

Rebooting with Parents and Carers

Connecting effectively with parents and carers is built on a foundation of trust. Many parents disengage from schools and a focus on their child’s learning due to their own past school experiences and a general sense of distrust. To truly partner with parents in the process of educating their children, we all need to feel safe, valued and a sense of belonging at school. We all need to know that we have something valuable to contribute. In many cases, these collaborative and mutually supportive relationships can only be built in an informal and non-threatening environment.

Reboot’s Parent/Carer Sessions help you connect with parents and promote the important message that you as a school are in partnership with them to educate their children for a terrific future. By sharing Reboot tools and language we also help spread the Reboot ‘effect’ into the home. These workshops help parents and carers feel valued and that they belong in the school community. It’s important that everyone feels that their child is valued, despite any challenging behaviours or lack of perceived learning success.
We’ve created a series of newsletters to help you introduce key Reboot concepts and tools in your School or Parent Newsletters. On the Reboot Resource Bank, you will find a range of articles, including an Overview of Reboot, outlining Whole Brain Teaching and Learning, and explaining the core skills and support that Reboot offers students. Additional articles go through the Zones of Engagement, the 3 Brains, 5 Faces and the Positive Change Highway. Each article includes ‘Homework for Parents’ with short tasks asking parents to engage in conversations about the article with their child/ren.

Reboot has also prepared a series of 11 kinaesthetic, interactive and practical Parent/Carer mini-Workshop/Sessions that effectively engage parents and deliver key Reboot concepts and language. The sessions include take home materials for parents/carers to use Reboot language and tools at home.


  • Provide Reboot resources (Key Language and Tools or Newsletter inclusions, stickers etc) in new student enrolment packs to familiarise parents with the Reboot language and tools.
  • Send home a 5 Faces and/or 3 Brains sticker or magnet to support families to engage with the Reboot language.
  • Consider offering a Parent Workshop or a series of Parent/Carer sessions to effectively engage parents to deliver key Reboot concepts and language at home.
  • If you struggle getting parents to school events, consider holding events in places where parents already meet – your local sporting club might be open to co-hosting an event?
  • Use social media to promote all the positive effort and engagement within and around your school – a virtual Wall of Awesome!

Reboot Resources

(contracted schools only)

Visit the Reboot Resource Bank to access:
  • Parent Resources – newsletter inclusions
  • Reboot Key Language and Tools
  • Parent/Carer sessions

Resources to support engaging with parents and carers

Articles & Videos for parents and carers

Copyright © 2018 Rebooting Life, All rights reserved.