August 2018
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One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4

In this issue you will find:

 info on new Digital Library Membership for Reformed Worship
•  new blogs on worship
•  articles and ideas from the archives
•  notice board

New "Digital Library Membership"

A Reformed Worship "Digital Library Membership" gives you digital access to the current issue of the Reformed Worship magazine AND all past issues since June 2016. These digital issues are accessible with any browser on your iPhones, iPads, Android phones, tablets, desktops, etc. PLUS, membership gives full access to the website, blog articles, and monthly e-newsletters. All for US$25 per year
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Reformed Worship is an award winning quarterly print 
and online worship journal.

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Credit: Wikimedia Photo by Gilabrand, Creative Commons 3.0

Time-Regulated Worship

By Sam Hamstra, Jr.

Our God loves a good party and invites us to celebrate our salvation together. The basic question for each congregation is “When do we party?” And the simple word of encouragement from the Lord is, “Party often and well.”  Read more

Credit: Flickr Photo by Lynn Friedman, Creative Commons 2.0

Two-Way Hospitality

By Joy-Elizabeth Lawrence

God is gracious, and God continues to model hospitality. And the Spirit still guides me, even when I forget to whom the world, this table, this chair, belongs—even when we believe the myth that there is not enough of anything, especially convenient seats in church. Read More

Credit: Flickr Photo by Rachel, Creative Commons 2.0

The Gospel in a Handshake

By Kevin Adams

Passing the peace of Christ is a way to concretely live the Sermon on the Mount. We extend forgiveness and grace to members of the community around us. Read More

Credit: Vincent van Gogh, public domain

Pictures of the Kingdom:
An Intergenerational Exploration of the Parables through Visual Art

By Tony Maan

As you plan for the fall season, why not consider an intergenerational worship series that explore the parables of Jesus and engage visual art? This worship series provide ideas for sermons, songs, and activities for children.  Read more

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Echoes of the Way God Made Us: Creativity in Worship

By Mike Cosper

All of life is shaped by our creative impulse, including worship. Whether we’re talking about language, architecture, visual culture, or music, it all flows from the creative spark God has given us as imagebearers. So how can worship leaders and pastors tap into that spark? How can creativity serve the local church?  Read more

Step Up and Take Charge: Managing Sound-Check Chaos

By Robert Langlois

This article addresses that critical period of time before the worship service: the sound check. This can often be a frustrating time with too many leaders and not enough followers, and it can turn pretty ugly if someone doesn’t take charge. Langlois suggests that that person needs to be the sound engineer.  Read more

Beginning a Communal Conversation: A Process for Developing Intergenerational Worship

By Gilbert R. Rendle

Most North American congregations are already multigenerational. In multigenerational congregations, the pressing issue for leaders is not only how does the church speak to new generations, but how does the church hold together multiple generations in one time?  Read more

There are more resources on worship planning for the fall season available from the Reformed Worship website. You may also browse specific themes or seasons of the church year at


  • A downloadable edition of Reformed Worship featuring Worship and Mental Illnesses (June 2018, issue 128) is available at Faith Alive Christian Resources. This is a single issue. No subscription or membership is needed.
  • The Lift Up Your Hearts hymnal celebrates its 5th anniversary in 2018. In addition to the print hymnal, there are also an projection edition (with music and/or text) and a mobile app version (Android and iOS).
  • Worship Peer Learning Groups Are Forming — A Worship Peer Learning Group is a small group of 3 to 5 persons involved in leading, planning, or participating in worship in the local church. These groups can be made up of individuals from the same or different churches, meeting in person or electronically, to study and discuss a chosen book on worship.
  • Teacher-Scholar Grants — The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship announced that a new stream of grants will be offered to teacher-scholars who teach in colleges, universities, seminaries, or divinity schools in North America and are interested in doing research that has potential for strengthening and nurturing the life of Christian worshiping communities and their public worship practices.
  • Inclusive Language Suggestions of the CLC Network provide alternative phrases for including persons with a variety of abilities in your congregational gatherings.

Calendar and Events

  • Samford University offers an online Worship Leadership Certificate program.
    The course begins on August 21, 2018.
  • Centered in Song — San Francisco Bay Area is a day of celebrating the power and importance of singing together. Organized by The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, the San Francisco Bay Area event is scheduled on
    September 1, 2018.
  • Just Worship: Toward a Faithful and Vibrant Future — This conference will explore vibrant and faithful worship that is informed by but not limited to the Reformed tradition, paying attention to how worship embodies and shapes us for justice. Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia. September 13-15, 2018.
  • Church of the Servant New Psalm Contest — 2018 is an effort to encourage Psalm-singing in churches. Church of the Servant invites congregational songwriters to submit a Psalm-based song to its 2018 COS New Psalm Contest. Submissions must be emailed or postmarked by October 1, 2018.

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