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Appreciation Day, Aug 4, Spook Hall, Jerome 9am

Steps to Recovery Homes Alumni would like to invite you to join us in celebrating Steps to Recovery Homes’ 5th Anniversary.
Please allow us to show our appreciation to you for being part of this amazing journey with a complimentary breakfast.

WHEN:    Saturday, August 4th, 2018, 9 am to 12 pm
WHERE:  Spook Hall 260 Hull Ave. Jerome, AZ

Thank you for all of your support!

“Nonprofit of the Year Award”

Congratulations! You have been chosen to receive the “Nonprofit of the Year Award” for the 18th Annual Spirit of Sedona. Since 2000, the Arizona Community Foundation of Sedona has honored outstanding individuals, businesses, and community benefit organizations who have demonstrated exceptional philanthropic spirit, leadership, volunteerism and impact throughout Sedona and the Verde Valley. Your contributions are an inspiration!

You have been truly exemplary in your efforts to make a difference, and ACF of Sedona wants to celebrate you and all that you do to improve our community. Donna Chalmers and Anthony Caetano nominated you.

“Damien and Anne Browning have walked the walk so they inspire others in the program. They started two homes, one for men and one for women in Cottonwood 4+ years ago and
also have the Miracles Happen Resale Thrift Store where program residents can work. Damien and Anne give time and goods to other agencies like Old Town Mission and
Goodwill.” Donna Chalmers

“Steps to Recovery Homes is much more than a “half-way house;” it provides a serious, safe, structured environment for individuals who want to recover from their drug and alcohol addiction. 48% of the 246 clients that have participated in the Steps to Recovery Homes Program are clean and sober today (this rate is 4 times greater than the recovery rate in Alcoholics Anonymous nationally.)” Anthony Caetano

Paul Zienka, a member of our Board of Advisors, is pleased to introduce you and present the award.
Thursday, September 20
11:30 am to 1:30 p.m.
Enchantment Resort, Anasazi Room,
525 Boynton Canyon Road, Sedona, AZ 86336

Congratulations on this prestigious honor!

John Kincaid Board of Advisors Chair
Pat Jansen Board of Advisors Chair
Tracey McConnell Regional Philanthropic Advisor

Miracles Happen

ReSale Store


Warehouse Empowerment Project

At 5 years into assisting others we have found one of the main issues our clients face is finances. We know we can empower our clients to embrace success and find a purpose in their lives.

The STRH Miracles Happen Warehouse Empowerment Project will be an expansion of our Miracles Happen Resale Store which has been in existence for two and a half years.  The Project begins with securing a warehouse for the organization to receive additional donations for resale. The warehouse will also allow us to place 10 to 40 clients in various positions ranging from donation acquisition, warehousing, to inventory. STRH will also provide the opportunity for clients to work in areas such as online sales, warehouse and organizing operations, EBay effort, refurbishing and cleaning items, and representing new items at the resale store.

We are currently feeling the effects of opioid and substance addiction here in our rural areas insofar as the ability of recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce. Steps to Recovery Homes understands that we can help more individuals with achieving long-term recovery if we add extra emphasis on assisting clients in maintaining and excelling in employment.

The workforce in the Verde Valley is diminishing, and one of the underlying issues is the increase in addiction. People with addiction issues lose the needed skills to deal with life because of their addiction, or they might have never been taught these skills such as communication, responsibility and accountability. Many individuals that have a substance use disorder can also have a co-occurring mental health issue. There are many variables that go into why someone going through these things cannot maintain employment.  Additionally, not being able to maintain a job can lead to relapse and apathy. When an individual is locked into addiction it has a ripple effect on many things besides the individual. It affects the family, children, work place, neighborhoods, and our economy with filled jails and countless hours being spent by emergency response teams.

Besides being a way to maximize the success rate of our clients for long-term recovery and build a workforce for our community, it is also an essential step in our organizations goal to obtain self-sufficiency.

Upcoming Events

Steps to Recovery Homes Events

Roots, Roll & Ride, Oct 13, 2018

More Details

Tina's Testimony

Steps to Recovery Homes gave me a chance to have a life.  I used to be a chronic 'relapser' and Anne and Damien still took me in.  They saw something in me that I could never see.  They had enough compassion and sternness to guide me along the way.  I started feeling worthy and that I could do anything I put my mind to.  They always knew that I could do it.  With the guidance of the Steps to Recovery Homes program, I learned to make something of myself. 

They taught me about helping other addicts and setting boundaries and to believe in myself.  Today because of this program, I am self-sufficient and don’t have any desire to drink or use.  I go to meetings, I go to Life Coaching and I participate in clean and sober events. 
Tina S.

Program Enhancements

South by Southwest

"I have been down the river with a group of our clients that were able to go kayaking as a result of working our program to the best of their ability and not having any write-ups. What this did was connect them with nature, and give them the experience of being on the water and not being in control, having to go with the ebb and flow. Every time they try to paddle to control their movements, they realize how powerless they really are. This goes right alongside their experience through life. The more they tried to control or manage the uncontrollable, the more their lives became chaotic (I'm sure many of us can relate to that!). But, in the past, these folks would self-medicate with some type of substance to escape or avoid the reality of their place in this huge universe.


Cottonwood Hot Yoga

Cottonwood Hot Yoga is providing a yoga session for our clients. This will help get them more in touch with their bodies and take better care of themselves. In addiction, the last thing we do is take care of ourselves. Also, being in touch with our bodies, relaxing, and being able to slow down helps us reconnect to the world around us and to what is truly important.


Equine Therapy - Arizona

Let's focus here a bit on a new and more unique offering equine therapy at Horse Therapy - Arizona. We believe there is a special connection that horses can make with humans. There are many teachings about why we act the way we do. The biggest thing is that a horse can feel what you are feeling; the way the horse responds to you is a reflection of the way you act in life. This can be a huge insight on some of the behaviors that need to be modified in your life. The connection we feel around horses helps us to see our connection to the world around us and leads us back to what is really important in life. This is just one more step to help maximize the success rates of our clients.


Sedona Segway

Being willing to go and experience something as new and exiting as riding a Segway helped me in my life process. It helped me to understand I needed to trust my instincts and align my body’s energy flow with my thought process. I started out very scared and unbalanced; and before I knew it, I was living in the moment once again and enjoying being one with everything around me. This just goes to reaffirm the fact that getting out of our comfort zones and trying new things is a significant part of the recovery process.


Out of Africa

We are very grateful to Out of Africa Wildlife Park for taking on an annual sponsorship and allowing our clients an opportunity to interact with nature first hand. It is an eye-opening experience for our clients to be able to see all the different species that there are and learn more about them. Being able to take some quality time away from the stresses of everyday life and be connected with our surroundings enables us to truly live in the moment.

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