Hello Again Dear Friends
We are just emerging from July's Eclipse portal which completed its cycle last Friday with a full moon lunar eclipse. Eclipse portals are an opportunity to bring to light those things that no longer serve us by supporting the healing release of emotions or issues we have buried deep inside. In turn this helps us to move and break through into new areas of our internal and external reality.

For me personallyhonesty and integrity have been a big focus at this time and I would like to include here my latest channeling on this subject for you to read...

Two Key Elements for Aligning With Your Higher Self: Honesty and Integrity

Aligning with your Higher Self begins with being Honest and in Integrity with Yourself. Alexis Cartwright defines the Higher Self as follows: “The Higher Self is the consciousness of the Godhead that encompasses the totality of all knowledge, reason and wisdom sustained within Nature and our universe. It is the consciousness which orchestrates the creation and function of the human body, as well as the spiritual technology that sustains our universe. It is the consciousness we can tap into to retrieve the answers to all we seek to understand.” Transference Healing Animal Magic by Alexis Cartwright, Transference Healing Pty. Ltd., 2005, p. 276.

You can access your Higher Self by connecting to your spirituality. The reason for tapping into the spiritual side of yourself is so that you can feel more fulfilled and more at peace, living your life to your fullest potential, for your highest good. However, you cannot truly access your spiritual side for your highest good without being honest and in integrity with yourself. Living your best life begins with honesty and integrity because honesty and integrity allows one to accurately assess the state of their life. While honesty and integrity seem straightforward, many people are challenged to do it, evidenced by the fact that people self-medicate, and distract themselves with external things. It can feel uncomfortable to still oneself and take a deep look inward. However, until you conduct an honest assessment of your feelings and where you are in your life, then you cannot truly and really begin to move forward.

One of the things to carefully look at it in a self-assessment is what you want in your life. And it is not about what you think you want or what you think you should want. Honestly ask yourself what you want from life: your hopes, dreams and goals. Also, ask yourself honestly what are your insecurities and fears about not being able to achieve these hopes, dreams and goals? Your true hopes, your true dreams, and your true wishes, they are worthy and valid.

It is important to identify and acknowledge any insecurities and fear around what you want because if you squash your dreams with fear, that is self-defeating and not helpful for you to attain your dreams. Let’s look at insecurities and fear in closer detail.

Have you ever tried to do something before and failed at it? You wish that you had kept going and tried again, but instead you told yourself that what you wanted to accomplish was not important and it did not matter anyway?

Do you console yourself by telling yourself, “If only I did x, y, and z I could have been someone famous or done something really important or meaningful in my life?

Do you just imagine and pretend that you could have accomplished something significant in life? Do you make excuses and place blame on others as to why you did not get to accomplish what you wanted? Obstacles and challenges will always exist; that is part of the reality of being human. Humans face challenges; we have had challenges since before we were born. It was challenging for us to be conceived. Growing in our mother’s womb. Making it out of the birth canal into the world. Arriving in a healthy state with all of our original limbs, toes, and organs formed and functioning. Simply put, being born was a challenge. And the fact that we are alive and continue to stay alive is wondrous because life is never guaranteed and can cease in an instant.

The point of being honest and in integrity about our lives, to truly look at our shortcomings, our wishes, and our desires is so that we can truly assess and address what needs to be supported and worked on. If we do not turn on the lights in a room we will not be able to see what is dirty and needs to be cleaned. If we do not open the mail we will not be able to see what bills or notices that come in and needs to be addressed. If we do not open our drawers then we will not see what items are in the drawers that we can use, work with, or can let go of.

So too, when we honestly delve into our mind, heart and spirit, we can see what we care about, what our strengths are, what we can use, what we want to do, what we are afraid of, and what we are insecure about. Also, we can see what excuses that we have been making about why we are not doing what we truly want to do or be. The point is not to beat ourselves up and make ourselves wrong.
Rather, the point is to look at our strengths and weaknesses, our failures, our true insecurities, our true hopes, and our true desires is so that we can actually work towards putting our hearts at ease, by loving and accepting ourselves, including our faults and weaknesses.

Through identifying our strengths and weaknesses we can assess the best way possible of how to move towards getting what we want and living our best lives possible. And then, in tandem, as we are being honest and in integrity, we are able to access our Higher Selves, tapping into consciousness where we can find answers to what we seek to understand, and also find the resources to create what we wish to create in our lives

If you would like to embark upon a journey of self-empowerment, self-healing and self-mastery then it really is worth considering a Transference Healing.  Please contact me on to find out how this life changing healing modality can support you.
One Soul Expo, Idaho and Getting Unstuck

A few weeks ago  I was with Alexis Cartwright and the Transference Healing Team at the One Soul Expo in Boise Idaho, near the beautiful Owyhee Mountains.

Alexis gave a powerful one hour workshop on How to Activate Your Merkabah and also a forty-five minute presentation on Master Alchemy: The Teachings of the Mystery School. Both forums were well-received and attended.

At the fair I met many new people, and I talked about Transference Healing, its supportive energy and how it can help with all manner of life dynamics.


The team also ran Beyond Doorways Healing sessions; I am always amazed about how powerful this Energy is. I have seen how this 30-minute healing session can help people to feel better, physically, mentally and emotionally, how it supports people to shift if they have been feeling stuck in a particular area of life, and how it empowers people to move ahead with their goals, plans, and dreams.

I do not just run these healing session at Expos; I also run sessions at my practice in New York or from anywhere around the world via absentee healing.

One to One 'Beyond Doorways' Healing - $35
* A healing to bring you back into balance and feel better on all levels
* Great taster session to experience the energy work I facilitate
* Personal channeled feedback & reading, emailed as an MP3
* Can be experienced in person or from anywhere around the world via absentee healing
* Takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the healing and the feedback
* You can book and pay via my website if you would like to experience a Beyond Doorways Healing for yourself.

Click here for more information:

My intention with the healing work I facilitate is to offer experiences, events, profound healing and wisdom in support of your self-empowerment; to move through stressful experiences and to work towards that person that you would like to become.

Believe it or not, the reality is that we have the ability to become
"on the inside” that stable, balanced professional who has it all.
Blessings and Light,
Copyright © 2018 LyonHart Amrie, All rights reserved.

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