Getting Ready for Fall
We're five weeks from the start of the fall term (MBA Modules start Sept. 5, some Foundations and MBA Electives start Sept. 10). For those of you taking classes for the first time this fall, we welcome you to the program! And for those who have taken classes with us already, we're glad you're back!
Here are some reminders that will help you have a good start to the fall term.
Fall Registration
There is still time to enroll in classes this fall, but some classes are already full or nearly full. View Fall Schedule. If a class you're hoping to get into is closed, contact your MBA Office to be added to a waitlist.
Accessing Classes (see article below about D2L/Canvas)
Two weeks prior to the start of your class, you'll receive an email at your university email account with class access instructions from Online Course Support. One week prior to the official start date, your class will open so you can begin viewing material. If you have trouble logging in or have other technical questions, contact bizhelp@uwec.edu
Checking Email - Adding to your Mobile Device
It's extremely important to use your university email account as university and class communications will be sent to it. To make checking email easier, consider adding your account to your mobile device (instructions below).
Canvas and D2L Updates
In last month's newsletter, we announced that all institutions in the UW System, including the UW MBA Consortium, will transition classroom software from D2L to Canvas. Because the two systems use different login pages and credentials, we have created a page to help you know which system to use to access your class(es). We'll also communicate which system to use via email. View new D2L/Canvas login page
Consortium transition timeline
During Fall 2018, three classes will be in Canvas while the rest will remain in D2L. A few more will be in Canvas in Winter 2019 and Spring 2019. Beginning in Summer 2019, all UW MBA Consortium classes will be offered in Canvas.
Want to learn more about Canvas? Watch this video
Read more about UW System's transition to Canvas
Summer Classes Ending
Access to course materials will end about a month after the official course end date. Download and save any materials you wish to retain after the end of the course, such as the syllabus, articles, and assignments you've submitted.
Changing Personal Information
Consortium students - If you've had a name or address change, or require any other personal information to be updated, click here to learn how to make those updates. After updating your information, please notify the MBA Consortium Office at mba@uwec.edu so we can make sure all records are updated.