Lutz Preparatory NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8: 2018-19 School Year
NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 4, July 27, 2018
REQUIRED: 2018-19 Policy Agreements 
Dear 2018-19 Lutz Preparatory Kindergarten through Eighth Grade Parents/Guardians,

Please click on the red button below to complete required online form that summarizes your acceptance of all policies and agreements located in the 2018-2019 Lutz Preparatory Student/Parent Handbook, Media Release, Field Trip Liability, and Health History for the nurse.

Accepting these policies and completing this form is a requirement for continued enrollment at Lutz Preparatory School, a Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice serving grades K-8.  This form does not apply to students attending Lutz Pre-Prep, the private tuition-based preschool located on our campus. 

ONE form must be filled out for EACH student who is enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8. The deadline to complete is Saturday, August 4, 2018 at noon All parents who complete by the deadline will receive their student's homeroom teacher assignment via email the week of August 6, prior to the Meet and Greet.  If you do not complete the agreement form by the deadline, you will be required to report to the office during the Meet and Greet and complete onsite in order to receive your student's homeroom teacher assignment.

*Due to the large number of typos we have received in past years, we kindly request that you verify your typing in all areas for accuracy before submitting.

Please note, this is NOT for preschool students attending Lutz Pre-Prep, only K-8 students.

You will receive a confirmation screen at the end of the online form stating "THIS PAGE CONFIRMS RECEIPT OF YOUR Handbook, Media Release, Field Trip Liability, and Health History for Nurse Agreements" with additional details.  

Please do not contact the school asking for a second confirmation of receipt.  We will contact you if your student is missing any enrollment requirements.  
Click Here to Complete the Required Online Agreements
Back to School Dates
Please mark in your calendars the following important dates.  
  • Middle School Town Hall (6th-8th Grade Parents):
    • Thursday, August 9, 2018 from 5:30-7:30 PM  
    • 6th-8th Grade PARENTS ONLY meeting in the gymnasium
  • Lutz Preparatory Meet and Greet (Kindergarten - 8th Grade Families):
    • Two time slot options for K-8 PARENTS AND STUDENTS to pick up schedules, meet teachers, and see classrooms.  
    • Friday, August 10, 2018
      • Time Slot A:  1:30-3:00 PM
      • Time Slot B:  4:00-5:30 PM
  • First Day of School:
    • Monday, August 13, 2018 from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Please continue to stay up to date on school-wide information by thoroughly reading each NEWSFLASH.  Many important items will be repeated throughout the summer along with any new topics needed to keep you up to date on back to school information.  Archived publications can be found on our website under the tab Campus Life\NEWSFLASH and Special Announcements
Academic Calendar
Please review the academic calendar on our school website (linked below) and  make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates.    
Good attendance leads to academic success!  
Academic Calendar 2018-19
Summer Office Hours
Effective 5/29-8/3/2018
  • Tuesday - Thursday, 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (closed Monday and Friday to walk-ins)
  • Regular office hours resume on Monday, August 6, 2018.
2018-19 Transition Year for New Uniform Vendor
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 students are REQUIRED to wear uniforms to school each day. Please see the 2018-19 Lutz Preparatory School Parent/Student Handbook (coming soon) located on our LP website for the full uniform policy and details about Spirit Day privileges.
Please note IMPORTANT CHANGES to LP Uniform Policy in the Next Two School Years:
  • 2019-20 School Year - FUTURE Required New Vendor
    In the 2019-20 school year all uniform POLOS must be purchased from Red’s Team Sports.  No previous year polos may be worn.  All uniform bottoms, jackets, sweaters, accessories, etc. may be purchased at ANY store and must follow uniform guidelines. 
  • 2018-19 School Year - TRANSITION YEAR with Optional New Vendor Purchase
    The 2018-19 school year will be a transition year where students may continue to wear the polo shirts they have worn in previous years along with any newly purchased polo shirts from Red's Team SportsAll uniform bottoms, jackets, sweaters, accessories, etc. may be purchased at ANY store and must follow uniform guidelines. 
Reminder:  Red’s Team Sports offers a variety of clothing beyond polo shirts to include accessories and cold weather wear.  Please note, the only required purchase from Red’s is the uniform polo shirt beginning with the 2019-20 school year.
Visual Guide to Uniform Requirements:
Click HERE to view the 2018-19 Visual Uniform Guide for details on uniform requirements.

Sizing Stations for New Vendor:
Red's uniform sizing stations will be located at:
  1. Lutz Preparatory School main lobby
  2. Red's store location at 4542 Eagle Falls Pl, Tampa, FL 33619
Lutz Preparatory School Store for Red's:
Red’s Team Sports:

All Red's Items Must be Purchased Online and Will Be Delivered to Your Home
  • Orders should ship within 7-10 days from the time you order.
  • Orders are being processed on a weekly basis.
  • Orders placed BEFORE Wednesday, July 25, 2018 are guaranteed to arrive before school starts.
  • There is not an option to pick up items at Red's store.

Important Note for Middle School Families:  The school has a back stock of PE Uniforms, they will be available for sale at the Meet and Greet for immediate pick up.
Before and After Care Registration
Lutz Prep-Prep and Lutz Preparatory School K-8 offer before and after care. Families must register their children prior to attending.  Each program has it's own enrollment form as well as it's own fee schedule.  

Extended Care is available on all school days:

  • 7:00 - 7:30 AM
  • 3:00 - 6:00 PM (12:00 - 6:00 PM on half days)

Please click HERE to visit our website for full details and complete the registration form.  Registration forms can be dropped off in the K-8 or preschool office or can be send electronically to  

School Supplies

Please note, the deadline to purchase the school supply packet through the outside vendor has passed.  Please click on the links below to visit our school website for a listing of supplies needed by grade.

2018-19 School Year HCPS Required Volunteer Application:  Opened July, 1, 2018
Please note: Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year. Our year starts July 1 and runs through June 30. All volunteers and community partners must complete or reactivate the online HCPS Volunteer Application each school year.  Anyone who submits a volunteer application beginning July 1 will remain active in our system through June 30 or end of the fiscal year. A new application is available on July 1, the start of a new school year. 

Applicants can REACTIVE/UPDATE your prior volunteer application or apply for the first time.  All volunteers must be approved through this HCPS processes prior to volunteering at Lutz Preparatory School.  Beginning July 1, 2018, click HERE to apply or update your past application.  

PTA Updates

PTA Chair Positions 2018-2019 School Year - HELP NEEDED!
Volunteers Needed Before School Starts

Specifically we would like to fill the following before school gets back in session:

  • Boohoo Breakfast Chair
  • Back to School Chair
  • Room Parent Chair
  • School Supply Kit Chair
  • Yearbook Chair

Please click HERE to complete the online Committee Chair Interest Survey.  The available committee chair positions for the 2018-2019 school year are listed under the executive committee member responsible.  Please select any positions you are interested in no later than Wednesday, August 1, 2018.  If you indicate that you would like to volunteer you will be contacted by a PTA Board Member.  Thank you in advance, we couldn't do it without our volunteers!  Go Bolts!

PTA Executive Board:  2018-19 School Year

President:  Stefanie Alt
Treasurer:  Holly Gordon
Recording Secretary:  Ashley Lorton
Corresponding Secretary:  Pilar Topping
VP of Ways and Means:  Nicole Trailer
VP of School Support:  Natalia Tyler
VP of Prep-Prep:  Monika Dapcic
VP of Elementary:  Amber Loper
VP of Middle School:  Tamara Chao

Middle School Required Summer Assignment for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade
Please click HERE to visit our school website to view the REQUIRED 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Summer Assignments for Math & ELA.  These assignments are due the first day of school, Monday, August 10, 2018 to your subject area teacher.

Help Wanted:  Lutz Preparatory Golf Tournament Chairperson
Rewarding opportunity available to bring the Annual Lutz Prep Golf Tournament to another level! The tournament has been in existence since the school’s inception and presents the opportunity to raise significant money for Lutz Prep while celebrating our community with friends and family. The event has raised around $90,000 over the past 7 years and is ready for someone to raise the bar!

A very warm hand-off will accompany this fundraising leadership position. Please contact Michael Homer via email or (216) 789-7772 with inquiries and background.

Important Athletics Information
Any student participating in our competitive (TCAL - Tampa Charter Athletic League) OR intramural sports programs will be required to have a completed copy of the FHSAA Sports Physical on file at school.  The form is valid 365 days from the date of the examination.  A link to the form is available under the Campus Life\Athletics section of our website.  

We encourage you to keep the original and submit a copy to our office.  Each school year an up to date copy needs to be submitted as we can not store previous year documents.  

Viewing Florida Standard Assessment (FSA) and End of Course (EOC) Scores Online
  • Most 2017-18 FSA scores are now available for parents to view online.  
  • Other assessment (EOC) results are expected from the state in July.
  • Only the achievement levels and overall scale scores are displayed online.  The Individual Student Home Report from the Florida Department of Education remains the primary source of communication to families for Florida assessment scores.  Individual Student Home Reports will be distributed to by the state/district to Lutz Preparatory mid to late-summer.  Robo calls will be sent to all families once they are delivered to Lutz Preparatory.
  • Click HERE to reach the Hillsborough County Schools online report card and test score webpage. 
  • If you do not know your student PIN you can click on the "Request a PIN" link on that page and your student's PIN can be sent to either the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian as provided on the Student Emergency Information Card.

Our mission is to provide a rigorous, differentiated learning experience in order to cultivate and inspire a community of life-long learners.

Lutz Preparatory School strives to create a student-centered learning environment that fosters 21st Century skills and empowers students to be compassionate and strong in character.  

TBARTA Carpool Connection
Lutz Preparatory participates in the Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA) Regional School Commute Program.  Families who complete the Regional School Commute Program registration will have immediate access to a list of names and phone numbers (match list) of other Lutz Prep parents who have registered with the system to share commutes to and from school.  Click HERE be directed to the TBARTA Regional Commute Program website, scroll down below the participating schools listing to REGISTER ONLINE for the program.  Parents will be required to update registration records each school year, to make sure the information is always current in the system.

Visit our website for more details on the Leader in Me program.
Copyright © 2018 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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