We are planning our Annual Cookout and all our CCJR members and friends are invited.
We are using this event as an opportunity for our members to get together and to encourage other people to join us. You can help by bringing your entire family and invite your close friends and anyone interested in criminal justice reform. (Children are welcome and will be attending. )
We will be sending out specific and additional details via our next newsletter the last week of August.
Please Mark Your Calendar - and Plan to Attend.
Questions: please email us at: info@ccjrnh.org [or] Call 603-832-1555 and Leave a message. Someone will get back to you.
This will be a fun, relaxing time to come and meet your board and fellow CCJR members.
It is hard to believe but there is only about one month left until the end of summer and the start of a new school year. Summer goes by fast in New England and is often a very busy time for families, so we try and schedule our BBQ on a Saturday in September. This year it is September 15th. (Rain date September 22.)
This event is absolutely Free.
To help underwrite the cost of the BBQ, please consider donating $3.00 to $5.00 per person, or $10 to $15.00 per family. You decide what if anything you can do. A meal donation is optional; no one will seek to collect it from you. Just drop it in the bucket".
Optional Bring a Salad, Hot Dish, Dessert to share Dessert.
Come and Enjoy -
Good Food
Good Fellowship
Free Door Prizes
$2.00 Raffle tickets for Retail Gift Cards, Fireworks Packages and other New Items
Fun Auction for New and Near New Items
Special Music
Pool Time (Weather Permitting)
More information to follow . . .
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