Welcome to Joyworks!

We are so excited to have you join our community of joy-seekers, joy bringers and joy creators.

We spearheaded the Laughter Therapy movement in Scotland away back in 2008. Joyworks has been excelling at using joy as a catalyst ,across the globe for groups, teams and individuals ever since.

We've an impressive client portfolio and have been offering celebrated online programmes and events in addition to our face to face since 2020

Our newsletter is a place where you'll find inspiration, uplifting stories, and practical tools to help you cultivate more joy and happiness in your life and work.

We believe that joy is contagious and our birthright, and that when we focus on the good things in life, allow ourselves to feel the feelings and have the right skills and tools to cultivate our own joy, we can create a ripple effect that touches everyone around us.

Joy is a decision a really brave one and when we chose it often, and make it a habit- miracles happen.

As our fifteen years of glowing testimonials show.

So thank you for choosing to be a part of our journey,  we can't wait to share the joy with you.

Love Sharon   
Joyworks Founder
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