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Virtual Furniture
Virtual Furniture

When selling a home an empty room can often make it hard for someone to see the potential for the space. In the past agents and sellers have spent big money staging a home so that they can show it in a more favourable way, and this is fantastic, staging is an amazing tool in real estate marketing, but, it is also a very expensive tool. So what if you don’t have the funds to outlay on professional staging? Well that is when virtual furniture becomes a fantastic option!

When a virtually furnished property is listed on the internet it will certainly catch the eye of more potential buyers than an empty property. There is such a big difference between buyers seeing an unfurnished room or a perfectly styled room, there is just no comparison between the two.

At Property Intelligence Media our team will work with you to ensure that each room is furnished to suit the size, layout and style of the property, creating a marketing campaign that is sure to catch the eye of potential buyers!

Call us today 1300 20 30 38

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Twilight photography
Drone photography
Internal 3D render
Alfresco 3D render
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